The Talk

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I know Katie and Travis are in the war with Kronos but I had changed that just a tad. Dont kill me. I just didn't want to do something wrong with the timeline with that so I just added her after the giant war. Again don't kill me.

Katie's POV:

It was hard for me and Miranda to walk to were ever we were going. It's not that we had to walk a long way. We could do that. It was the catcalls and whistles we got from the boys of the camp. It was so embarrassing. 

Travis leaned over and whispered in my ear," Play along if you want them to stop," then he put his arm around my waist. It felt weird. Conner did the same to Miranda and the catcalling boys slowly left mumbling under their breath.

We came up to a half man half horse. I remembered something I read a while back about a man like this. The most famous was named Chiron I think. He was just walking around when we found him.

"Chiron we have new campers up and about. They have many questions." Conner said taking his arm off Miranda and Travis did the same for me.

"So this is the famous Gardner sisters. You are some off the first to make it to camp without a guide."Chiron said as I thought on how I was just think about him. 

"Do you mean all those Greek myths are real? And what do you mean famous sisters?" my sister asked the man with a slight wave of fear in her voice.

"Come with me you four we have much to explain." he simply said.

We walked to a houses and went into a into a room with tables and seats. It also had a live head on the wall.

"Do I even want to know?" I said shivering at the head as it moved to look at us.

"Nope." Travis said simply as if it was regular to see this thing.

Chiron told us all to take a seat. Travis and Miranda sat by me and Conner sat on the other side of Miranda.

"You know why your here correct so drop the act please ladys." Chiron asked with authority.

The other two boys looked over at us confused. I shifted uncomfortably. How did he know?

I being the first on to speak looked over at him and said," Ok Chiron. You caught us. What do you want us to tell you."

"How did you get here alive and how did you know where to find us." he simply said as the boys mouths stayed wide open.

"Our father brought us half way while explaining everything to us. We were attacked then and ran the rest the way. Our father died protecting us." I said letting tears fall from my eyes. Miranda did the same and cried in to Conner's shoulder.

Travis's POV:

I saw her and her sister crying and I felt so sorry. I wrapped my arm around Katie and she just barely leaned in with her hands covering the tears. 

"Boys take the girls to their cabin and bring there dinner to them tonight if they don't want to leave. Girls have a good rest the day and tomorrow you will have to train with your cabin until claimed. You all are dismissed." Chiron said nodding to the door.

We all got up with the girls still crying but Miranda was crying even more than Katie. They both have been throw a lot and let's not forget they are the only family they have now.

"Wow you girls are the talk of the camp. Don't see why. Travis thinks I'm the cutest of all," Drew said walking towards us with a smirk on her face.

She made my blood boil. We dated for not a day and she thinks we still are. Can't she see these girls are very emotional right now and she has the nerve to come up here and insult them like that.

Katie's POV:

This makeup wearing, two faced, prep girl, queen bee of a b**** dares to say that to me and my sister. She was about to get what she probably always deserved from the way she talked.

I got away from Travis with tears still coming down my face and punched her so hard in the jaw she fell right to the ground. Then I ran the into the woods with more tears in my face. I didn't look back when I heard Miranda calling me I just ran. I didn't want to talk I wanted to run. 

I stopped in a meadow and took in its beauty and with the tears still falling I feel to my knees crying even harder. This was supposed to be a safe place but I rather be killing off monsters than dealing with that girl. 

I cried for hours till I could cry no more. I got up and saw Travis was behind me looking at me with concern. He cared. I don't know why but I was kinda happy to have him here.

He took me in a hug and I hugged back crying tears I thought I used up. I wanted to stay like that but I knew I couldn't. He was too kind and nice to deserve a simple and plain girl like me.

"Look at me Katie," he said sternly pulling me away.

I did so and saw his eyes filled with concern once more. He held me Chen so I couldn't look away from his eyes. 

He came a little closer,"I know you are strong but you just have to believe so promise me you'll breathe and believe that next time you see drew you show her who's boss." 

I slowly nodded and he let go sadly. Wait why and I sad he pulled away I havent know him for a day.

I shook the thought away from my mind,"Come on I want to get back to Miranda."

He nodded and we started walking threw the forest.

Travis' POV:

Why did I not kiss her right then and there? I'm the biggest idiot ever. She was perfect. I could never not forget about her. No matter how hard I tried. I wish I kissed her but would she have kissed back? Girls can be so confusing.

We were walking back and I was often sticking glances at her. The small amount of moon light that came through the trees shined down on her. He eyes were filled with determination. Hopefully to get to Drew before I did or so we can both beat her to a pulp.

I saw the glow of the campfire and walked a little faster. Katie walked at my side and when we reached the camp fire and sat down beside our siblings the wheat of Demeter showed above the sister's head. 

Was it wrong that I was glad the was not a Hermes kid? No, no it's not.

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