Day 11 (Aug. 25) | Liberia, Los Angeles & Portland - Heading Home

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1:49 pm (an airplane over Mexico)

¡Buenas tardes!

Today is the last day of our trip. We are heading for home.

We ate breakfast and packed up to leave Hotel Boyeros at 8:10 am. We made it through security and boarding fairly easily, and are now flying to Los Angeles. We will make a layover there and then catch a plane to Portland.

Our current flight is supposed to be six hours, and we still have around three hours to go. 😖 Ugh. Here's some pretty pictures for your enjoyment.

I'm pretty sure the line in the middle is the Mexico-USA border. We were passing right over it when I took the picture.

7:11 pm (an airplane over Northern California)

We are on the second part of our flight. Our layover at LAX was two and a half hours, but we easily filled that up. We had to wait in multiple lines to get through customs and back through security. Once that was done, we grabbed some sandwiches to take on the plane for dinner, leaving us with only a few minutes to spare. Luckily, we were right next to our gate and boarded quickly.

Now we are about forty-five minutes from Portland. One nice thing about Alaska Airlines is that they have a flight tracker on their wifi website. We are pretty close to the California-Oregon boarder! We should land within the hour.

10:34 pm (Home!)

We made it! Yay!

Once we landed in Portland, it was easy to get my dad's checked bag, catch the bus to the car, and drive home. Now we are ready to plop into bed after a long day.

Thanks for reading my travel log! I hope you enjoyed it, and I wasn't just boring you with details about my vacation. 😂😅😬

As usual, I'll do one last chapter with my take aways from the trip, including good restaurants, tours, etc. I kind of also want to do a brief lesson in simple Spanish phrases that would be useful in a foreign country. I'll see if I can pull that together. My mom speaks pretty good Spanish, so she could help me with that! My goal is to get that chapter done as well as the cover to match my Travel Log theme by the end of August. That would be this Saturday, which should be doable.

Anyways, thanks again for reading! If you enjoyed, please vote/comment/share/etc.

¡Buenas noches!

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