Day 5 (Aug. 19) | Monteverde - Selvatura Park

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7:11 pm (Hotel Arco Iris)

Sorry, I didn't get anytime to update in the middle of the day! 😬

Anyways, this morning was an easier morning than yesterday. I did get a pretty awesome picture of a butterfly, if I do say so myself. 😁

At 10:30 am, we took a van to Selvatura Park. This is another nature reserve with various tours. Today, we checked out the hanging bridges.

The self-guided tour took us about two hours to complete. The 1.9 mile walk consisted of 8 hanging bridges. It was interesting to see the trees from higher up- you could see all the little vines that had grown around the trunks. It did rain quite a bit, (mostly just misty) so it was nice to have a raincoat. The views were very pretty, although we saw almost no wildlife. The clouds gave the forest an extra-mysterious vibe!

And the tiny bit of wildlife! (Plus a couple birds)

Some bridges go really high, the tallest being 560 feet.

Some of the trails.

There is a small art exhibit at the end of the trail. You can't miss it - there are at least five signs warning you that it is ahead. 😄 The art work is done by a local husband and wife. The husband paints acrylics while the wife paints feathers and creates jewelry.

There are also two tiny bridges at the end of the trail. They aren't suspension bridges, so I guess they're not counted as part of the eight. 🤷🏼‍♀️

We got back to the entrance around 1 o'clock. We ate lunch at the restaurant across from the reception. (I believe it was called El Jardin - "the garden") It wasn't the greatest, but it's the only food right at the trailhead. I ate a big hamburger, which felt like it had too much bread.

After checking out the gift shop, we rode the bus back to the hotel. Soon after, we walked up the hotel's hill, which was extremely small. It took maybe 5-10 minutes. On a clear day, you can supposedly see the Pacific Ocean, but I guess we'll never know...

Once back, we decided to go on a wild scavenger hunt for a geocache at one of the multiple butterfly gardens. If you aren't familiar, geocaches are small containers that people hide all around the world for others to find. Often they lead to some sort of building, activity, or other place that is fun to check out. It's kind of like Pokémon Go or Wizards Unite, except there's actually something for you to find in the real world. Check out the official website at if you wanna learn more!

After about a half hour walk there, we quickly found the cache and walked home. On the way back, we stopped by a small cafe to pick up a lighter dinner than we had been eating for the past several nights. I got a pretty good chicken salad. We ate our food at the hotel and are currently winding down for bed.

I'll say goodnight, for now!

¡Buenas noches!

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