Final Thoughts

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So after this fun trip I have come to a few conclusions. I'd like to share them with you, in case you ever want to go to Scotland.

Conclusions about Traveling:
-Always be sure your bags are going to make it! Or else you might find yourself spending part of your vacation clothes shopping.
-If this does end up happening, try Primark first. There is one in just about every fairly large town (I think :3). Its kind of like the Scottish version of Fred Meyer or something like that.
-Be very careful when driving! Roads can be narrow (especially in small towns/the country) and signs/streetlights confusing.
-If you live on or near the west coast of America (like yours truly) and are flying to anywhere in Europe, it might be a good idea to fly to NY or where ever you will depart the States from and stay there a night or two to get adjusted to the time zone, and then continue. It also just makes the flight feel shorter.

Conclusions about Edinburgh:
-Definitely worth visiting. A busy, energetic town that is quite fun.
-It's never a bad idea to make reservations at restaurants. Even on a week night, you might have a little trouble finding a place that can accommodate you and who you are with. Plus, not a lot of pubs welcome children.
-Edinburgh Castle may be a castle, buts it feels more like a tourist destination than a medieval fortress.
-The Royal Mile is a great place to walk up and down and spend a little time on. There are many pubs, restaurants, gift shops, shops, and other touristy places.
-The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is fun and I would recommend it if you like plays and shows. We didn't spend enough time to get to see very many, and that would be something I'd like to do if I go again.
-If you're not afraid of heights, the Walter Scott Monument is a great and slightly thrilling past time with great views of the city.

Conclusions about Inverness:
-Don't go to the new town if you are looking for some Scottish old era stuff. Its very... new and industrial.
-The Jacobite cruises (it's a company) are really nice! Not meant to be advertising, but I really enjoyed it.
-There are a good amount of castles near by. Some are quite touristy (like a museum almost), while others are more ruins. It just depends on what you feel like seeing.

Other Conclusions:
-Bring rain gear! It rains often.
-If you're not from the area, the accent can take a little while to get uses to.

That's all I can think of! If you go, have fun and good luck in general! If you don't, well, think about it! Bye!

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