Chapter 11 HOSUH!

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Hosuhs P.O.V


Today we pick up (y/n)! I am more excited than ever before! Of course it's a close tie between when we got 1 million subscribers and now.
"Hosuh get ready! We leave in 30 minutes!"
"Okay okay! Calm down!"
I grab her gift and run down the stairs, I see Daniel and Stephen waiting impatiently.
"We are leaving now! Let's go!"
I run out the door and jump shotgun in the car, I cant wait to see her, I check my phone.

2 new notifications

(Y/n): I'm leaving now! I can't wait to see you!
Misty: do you wanna go out for dinner sometime? Like just the two of us?

I am in RAGE with Misty now. I decide to reply to her.

Hosuh: Not really. I don't like you that way.
Misty: why? Do you have a girlfriend?
Hosuh: No, but I don't like you that way.
Misty: Well why don't you tell this (y/n) girl bout your EX!
Misty: What about me?
Hosuh: Listen Misty, screw off, you are being way too dramatic about this whole thing, I don't like you in that way, end of story.
Misty: bu-

Hosuh has blocked "Misty" from his contacts.

I stare at my phone in rage but then remember that (y/n) texted me as well.

Hosuh: K! I can't wait to see u as well! You will have so much fun here with us!

We get near the airport, I jump out of the car when we park and grab (y/n)s gift, we walk in and wait at the pickup place for (y/n) to appear from the crowd, my phone pings.

I new notification

(Y/n): I'm at baggage claim! I'll see u in about 5 minutes!
Hosuh-senpai: k!!!

I put my phone away and wait for her.
"Hosuh when are you gonna tell her?"
I look at Stephen with a confused look.
"That you like her!"
"I don't know! Maybe, uhhhh I don't know!"
Stephen opens his mouth to say something but is cut off by Daniel.
"(Y/n) alert!!!"
He points to the 22 year old, cat loving, smol been girl coming out of baggage claim.
I see her head turn and her face brightens up. I go a little pink.
Some people clear a path. She drops her bags and runs towards me, Stephen is holding the cat plush so I run to her, we collide in the middle into a massive hug, her grip is like iron, she is strong, I hug her equally as tight and after about 3 minutes of hugging, Stephen comes and rips us apart.
"Lets go!"
"Stephen! Daniel!"
She hugs them but for not as long. I pick up the cat plush and hand it to her.
"I-I got this for you."
She looks at the plush then up at me.
She smiles and hugs me, I hand her the plushie and she smiles, I grab her suitcases and we walk out. We go to the car and I sit in the backseat with her, Stephen and Daniel in the front. She yawns.
"Flying makes me tired!"
She is sitting in the middle sheet so she is beside me, she rests her head on my shoulder, I turn all red, and I mean ALL RED, I hear soft shores and look down to see her asleep. I play with her (h/c) hair and take off my hoodie, I wrap it around the sleeping cinna bun and observe as she relaxes putting more of her body weight on me, I wrap my arms around her and smile, I'm glad that I'm the only one who has a crush on her, that means she's all mine. I continue to play with her smooth hair, I run my hands through like my hands are brushes, I take a hair tie off my wrist and put her hair in a low ponytail like mine, I take out a black danplan hat and put it on her head, her ponytail hanging low, she is covered with merch now, her hat, hoodie, well, MY hoodie, she has sweats on, she looks cute, I take a picture of her and send it to jay.

Hosuh: the one I was telling you about ❤️❤️❤️
Jay: wow, that's her?
Hosuh: Yup. Isn't she adorable?
Jay: I have never seen you obsessed with someone more then this.
Hosuh: I don't know what to say, just please don't kill her
Jay: don't worry! Me and Stephen are totally not plotting something behind your back to kidnap and murder her 😈
Hosuh: but why kidnap?
Jay: for fun 😈😈
Hosuh: I'm getting a rapey vibe.
Jay: I won't just kidnap her 😈
Hosuh: okay im leaving now.
Jay: Wait Hosuh I was kidding!

Hosuh has left the chat of murder.

I look back down at (y/n).
"You're not like that are you (y/n)?"
She hummed and I look at her, she is waking up.
"We will be home soon."
"Thanks Hosie..."
I smile at her as she closes her (e/c) eyes so they are all shut, I put in earbuds and turn on some music.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I notice that the song is Empty. I love Jaiden animations and know that (y/n) does as well. So I put one earbud in her ear and one in mine. I look down at her as she smiles and quietly hummus the song.

We arrive back at my place and I carry (y/n) inside. I put her on my bed and cover her with the blankets, I put her kitty plush under her arm and take my hoodie from her, I put the hat on the bed stand, she looked good in the hat so I decided that she could keep it. I bring her stuff in and put it in my room, I go outside and help Daniel and Stephen a bit before they leave and it's just me and (y/n), I decide to make her some food so I make her some (f/s/f) (favourite simple food), I make some and put it on a tray, I bring it into my room and put it one the end of the bed, I shake (y/n) awake.
"Whattttt is it Emma?!- OH! Housh!"
"Here, I made you some food."
I hand her they tray and she smiles.
"Thanks hosie! You are very nice."
My stomach grumbles as I look at the food, I chuckle awkwardly and smile.
"Come here! We shall feast together!"
I sit beside her on the bed and we eat the food, I pull a book off the shelf.
"What's this?"
"It's (f/b) (favourite book)."
"That's my favourite!"
"Do you mind if I read some to you?"
"Not at all!"
I start to read, I feel her get up and she puts the empty tray away, she comes back in and sits back down, but this time she dives onto the bed and she lies down.
"Come on!"
I lie down beside her and we read the book, I can see why she loves it, it's really good.
"So Hosuh."
"I was wondering where I will sleep tonight?"
"You can sleep with me, or without me. Just until we get you your mattress. You can sleep on the couch without me, or here with me."
"I'll sleep here, with you."
I go pink.
"Are you okay Hosuh?"
"Y-yah I'm fine!"
I continue to read. But the thought of sleeping next to (y/n) hovers in my mind.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?"
We walk into the living room and I turn on Netflix, we decide to watch bird box, but I don't know why. At one point, where the monster is on their car, (y/n) gets scared and grabs my hand, I blush and she notices what she was doing and awkwardly lets go.
"No it's okay! I'm fine with you holding my hand! I want to hold yours right now because I'm kinda scared..."
She smiles and grabs not only my hand, but my entire arm, I laugh witch turns into a shreek a few seconds later. The movie ends and I see that (y/n) is sorta let down by the ending. She is sad that the monster is not dead and all that happened SPOILER WARNING was that they got to a school for blind people. I was also kinda let down but decided to shake it off.
"Hey (y/n)?"
"Do you wanna go eat dinner with me? Like maybe just us?"
I smile at her and we get up and leave.
I asked her on a date not date
And she said yes.

I didn't know how to end that one...
Shoutouts of the week go too....
And check out my other account...
That's all 4 now
Bye internet peeps!

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