Chapter 4 actually leaving

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Your P.O.V

We wake up, I'm pretty sure that Hosuh kissed me last night but my brain was shutting down at that point so I don't really remember anything.
"Wake up Hosie..."
"Uuhhhhhhhhghghghh... 5 more minutes...."
I yell (I meant it to say nipe)
I pull all the blankets off of him.
"We leave today."
"Oh right..."
He crawls out of bed and I notice we still have our clothes on.
"Oh well... I guess in wearing this again!"
I yell and Housh nods.
We get out of bed and wake up everyone, we grab our stuff, eat some breakfast, and head out the door.

~time skip~

We are at the airport, our flight is getting ready to leave, we say our goodbyes and I give Hosuh one last hug. His arms are warm, his hair is ticking my neck, he only could hug me for 6 seconds but it felt like forever, I never wanted to leave his grasp, but I had too, I said goodbye and got on the plane...
The goddam plane...
I have a HUGE fear of FALLING, not hights...FALLING. So I really hate flying, I wish Hosuh was here, I could squeeze his hand and rest my head on him, he made me feel safe, but instead I had to sit tight because Emma does not like when I squeeze her hand.
"Hey Emma...?"
"No you can't squeeze my hand."
"N-no it's not that, it's just, do you think Hosuh likes me?"
"Woah, that's random."
"Sorry I'm trying to distract myself."
"I don't know, Maybe?"
Maybe is not the response I was looking for. I wanted her to say something like, Most likely, or, YHA TOTALLY! Not, idk, maybe!
I look out the window. (Yah u got the window seat.) I sigh and notice that Hosuh did not get me a tablet yet! Just than the plane starts moving and I grip the armrests tightly.
"Okay, it's okay (y/n), you're fine..."
I mumble as I close my eyes, I feel us take off and soon enough, we are in the air.
"I miss you already Hosuh..."

Hosuhs P.O.V

I look out the window at all the land below us as it gets smaller and smaller.
"Hey dan?"
"Do you like anyone?"
"No... why?"
"You what?"
"I sorta like (y/n)..."
"What is it?"
"It's just that she lives so far away, long distance never works!"
"I didn't tell her I liked her."
"Oof. What are you gonna do now?"
"Tell her if she becomes a member."
"But what if she DOSENT become a member...?"
"Than I don't tell her I guess."
"Wow that's a bad plan."
"What drawing tablet should I get her?"
"The same one you do duh."
"Okay, sorry for the stupid question dan, I'm nervous, I really like this girl, I think I love her, and I don't know if she feels the same way towards me, so I want to win her over just in case she doesn't."
"It's okay dude."
"Don't call me dude."
"Okay little cina bun."
"Only (y/n) can call me that."
I look behind me to see Stephen recording that.
"Man (y/n) will LOVE this!"
"Stephen you better not send her that..."
"But what if I do?"
"Than I will kill u."
"Wow it's not like you to say that! Don't worry I won't, but don't annoy me or I will!"
I stare out the window daydreaming about me telling her how I feel, she may regret me but than at least I will know....
Suddenly I feel really motivated to tell her how I feel...

That was a shorter chapter than normal.
I just wanted to get one more out before I passed out because it's 12:26
Anyway bye!!
Oh and thanks again Blair_Shadows for more info! Go follow her!! She makes rlly good storys and has a good taste in them as well!
That's all!

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