Chapter 9 fanfics.

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Hosuhs P.O.V


We published the Disney land blog on Monday. I am scrolling through the comments and a few catch my eye.

OMG! Does Hosuh have a girlfriend?

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I hope!

I don't hope! That means he's taken!

Our little been is growing up!

No our little cinna bun!

Imma write a fanfic about them!

Ohhhh that's a good idea! Same!

They seem like a cute couple! But they might not even be bf gf!

Well that's too bad because it's clear Hosuh likes her and if they aren't bf gf, than I will hit him over the head with a book!

Hit him with his own Hosuh x (y/n) fanfic.😂

They need a ship name!

How about (y)suh?


Yah ikr

I stare at the comments turning all red. I decide  to comment on it.

WE ARE NOT DAITING! At least not yet.. hopefully soon.


I laugh a little at the comments than turn to my ringing phone.
"Hey Hosuh? It's (y/n)."
"Yah I know, what's up?"
"Well I was on wattpad..."
"Well I saw this... one sec I'll send u a text."
She hangs up so she can send me the pic

(Y/n): This is what I found on wattpad

(Just a quick note from your fave author! I might actually make this a fanfic of Hosuh x reader based on this story! But I will only make it one if u guys want me to! To comment if u want me to make it a fanfic!)

Hosuh-senpai: Oh my god...
(Y/n): yah they really ship us😂
Hosuh-senpai: oh well!
(Y/n): yah oh well! Maybe this will take up all of the Stephen x Hosuh fanfics!
Hosuh-senpai: wait those are a thing?!
(Y/n): yup, #gaylove.
Hosuh-senpai: well I know that's not true, with you calling me me SENPAI
(Y/n): for personal reasons.
Hosuh-senpai: Mmhm.
(Y/n): well I gotta go! I'm taking my friend, Eric out for dinner! As friends.
Hosuh-senpai: just the two of you?!
(Y/n): yah, why? Are you jellybean?
Hosuh-senpai: no I'm not jellybean!
(Y/n): well it's not a date! On the weekend I can't call or text you because I am going to a water park with Emma Ava and Mia, then on Sunday in going to the CNE with them, Eric, and my other friend Jack.
Hosuh-senpai: awe that's sad 😢 how dare u abandon me like that! >:(
(Y/n): sorry Hosie! But I will see u Tuesday!
Hosuh-senpai: why not Monday?
(Y/n): it's an overnight flight.
Hosuh-senpai: oh... well I'll see u then!
(Y/n): I can't wait!😆
Hosuh-senpai: Byeeeeeee!!!
(Y/n): bye!!!😘

(Y/n) has left the chat.

I can't wait to see her!! But I made a deal with Stephen that I will tell (y/n) how I feel!
I am nervous
Like really nervous
I put my phone down somewhere not important and go downstairs with Dan.
"Did you know that (y/n) is going for dinner with a boy? Hosuh?"
Dan asks me as he washes dishes.
"Yup. Wait she told you too?'
"Yah! And Stephen! I also introduced her to Jay."
"Witch one?"
I say jokingly.
"Og Jay."
"Yah I know, I was joking."
"Wow you're so funny."
"I know I am."
I check the time.
"9:56... well I gotta go!"
"What are you going to do?!"
"I'm going to get (y/n) a gift! For what she comes back!"
"When she comes back? Or when you confess?"
"Idk, probably when I confess, I'll give her the cat plush as a welcome back gift."
"Cool, see you tomorrow!"
I grab my stuff and my phone and head out the door, I get in my car and drive to a jewellery store, I want to get (y/n) a pretty necklace or a pair of earrings, so when I confess it's fit for the occasion. I get to the store and open the door, I walk up to the man working.
"Hello sr, do you have anything fit for a confession to a really pretty 22 year old girl who loves cats?"
"Looking for your special someone? Well I have a few things..."
He shows me a few things but this is what I pick.

And I got her some earrings as well

I like how (y/n) is very simple, she doesn't like something too complicated or full of stuff, she just likes nice, simple stuff, she's like me that way, very simple.
"I'll take these."
I hand him the box with the earrings and point to the necklace I want that's on display.
"Okay, this will just be a sec."
He takes the necklace and takes two little cases off a shelf.
"Now I'm putting the necklace in a case, what case do you want?"
He puts a tiny one that is silver and has a glass top, and a second silver one that is all silver and has a paw print on the top.
"I'll take this one."
I point to the one with the glass top and he puts the necklace inside the case on the little red felt pad and hands the earrings and necklace to me.
"That will be 350$ plus tax."
Wow that experience
I think but then I remember that it's for (y/n) and no one else so I eagerly pay and take the bag with them in it."
"Thank you sr!"
"No problem! And good luck with the girl! Hosuh!"
"Wait what?!"
"I'm 18! I love your channel! And I really ship you and (y/n)!"
"Awe thanks! I'll see you around!"
I leave the store and head back to my place.
"Hey Misty I'm back!"
I yell to my empty apartment.
"Oh wait she moved out😂."
Misty was my roommate, she had blonde hair that was faded into pink at the tips. She also had green eyes. She was really nice and it's weird not having her around.
"Oh wait! Since (y/n) got the job.., She will be my new roommate!"
I go into the empty bedroom that used to be Misty's.
"She took the mattress..."

That was a long chapter!
Since Misty took the mattress that means that you will have to sleep ether on the couch or with Hosuh until your stuff comes!! Ohhhhh~
Hosuh and (y/n) sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-
Hosuh: SHUT UP!
Me: oh come on Hosuh! Lighten up!
That's all for now my little scrubs!
That was from bijuu mike

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