Chapter 24

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Traveling Salesman's forested universe could no longer hold Reign captive because he was only atmosphere. The forest was a living, breathing entity with a sadist's personality. Its purpose, its vile eagerness to inflict pain and torture on its victims unfortunately couldn't be fulfilled due to its own disillusions of grandeur with its power by using it in large doses, overdosing the current victims of its wrath. The living dungeon had become a science lab with experimental detail changing the scope of madness, it initially intended. Reign's atmospheric presence was too erratic and unstable to detect properly in this environment. The forest was able to sense Nithos.

"I've been practicing. I can pass through the forest's ozone layer," Reign said his voice reverberating like an echo at the speed of light.

"I can try the glass ceiling again," Nithos said with determination in his eyes.

"No, the forest will be expecting that and you'll still be trapped here."

"You can get out of here, but how can I?"

"If we are one, it just might work," Reign suggested.

"One what?" Nithos asked with a cautious look on his face.

"One being. I'll blanket you with my atmospheric form," Reign said surrounding Nithos like an orbit.

"That won't work. I'm not invisible like you," Nithos pointed out.

"I'll have to make you invisible."

"Yeah, Good luck," Nithos scoffed.

Reign expanded himself into a set of layered gases and surrounded Nithos as if he were a planetary body. He used Nithos' gravity to hold himself in place.

"What did you do?" Nithos asked.

"I made you invisible."

The City of Hargot's acoustic cleaning process was finally over and the lockdown had been lifted.

Cask turned back on the lights in the once dark room.

"The Astronomgonist has disappeared!" Cask said, his mouth dropping open in shock. Only the viscous liquid was left behind undisturbed with the sugar cane still inside.

"What happened" Eltchie said angrily standing in the doorway of where the Astronomgonist had been held.

"The surviving Black Chuwekilan have been taken back to their cells completely destroyed. The rest are in the morgue drained of all their power, of everything. They're just drooling wads of bubblegum skin. The Byzantine Monsters are asking for an early honourable discharge since getting them finally unstuck from the other Black Chuwekilan required a scraping process I was not qualified for." Maxwell-Shina held her hands up with a disgusted look on her face. "The custodians took over that job. They've also asked for a pay increase."

"I'll talk to the Byzantine Monsters and the janitors about their proposals later," Eltchie waved Maxwell-Shina away.

"Why does it smell like sugar cane in here, too?" Maxwell-Shina remarked stepping into the room.

"It's probably the vicious liquid emitting that smell," Cask said his eyes scanning the room.

"No it's not," Maxwell-Shina said shaking her head.

"Wait you said too? Where else?" Eltchie asked.

"I smelled the same smell from the morgue during the technical medical-examiner's technical autopsy of the dead Black Chuwekilan."

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