Chapter 28

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After Popi transported Teerkedas to DragenCamp, he'd found his, Phenny and Harrodean's belongings in storage where the landlord put them, before renting the rooming house they once lived in. The photos he took of his mother's death were in the envelope where he'd kept them.

"Do you think you'll be able to release the child's soul and remains without harming the creature? I realize you and your powers are born from the universe itself, but it takes a great source of magic and sorcery to do this kind of procedure," Apatt said to Teerkedas a couple of days after his return from DragenCamp.

"You're right. I'd fair better with other Astronomgonists unifying their abilities with mine. The universe, my maker is the greatest magic and sorcery of all by its very evolution and design. I am part magician and sorcerer," Teerkedas replied.

"Dorothey, the creature might awaken from stasis during or after. Are you ready?"

"Yes, Doctor. I'm feeling good."

"Sailil, Jezromiah and I are also on standby. And Popi do you want to go to your lamp or stay in the field with us?"

"I'll stay, Dr. Raddlethorpe. I don't want all my training to be in vain," Now Fourteen year-old, Popi said cracking her knuckles.

Teerkedas opened the cage in mid-air with a turn of his hand as if turning a key in the lock. He beckoned the body of the creature forward toward himself and out of the cage with the gesturing of both of his hands. His bare feet morphed into the tail of a comet as he rose slowly into the air. His naturally blue eyes turned into two photospheres. His body generated into a quasar; an intensely luminous active galactic nucleus. Sailil, Apatt, Popi, Dorothey and Jezromiah shielded their eyes. A pancake or ring shaped accumulation of matter surrounded his torso. Friction caused the orbit to spiral inward toward the center as the creature's body traveled along it. The gravitational and frictional forces compressed and raised the temperature of the orbit causing a discharge of electromagnetic radiation. He descended returning to his normal state holding in the palm of his hand the child's soul with the remains inside.

"The creature was only a vessel used to protect the child. Whoever did this wanted to put the child in this state and in a place where no one would think to look," Teerkedas said.

The creature's skin erupted into windows and doors as it stirred and alighted. Apatt, Popi, Sailil, Dorothey, Jezromiah and Teerkedas braced themselves. Teerkedas put the child's soul behind his back.

Its bones folded and contorted. The crown of its head twisted into a triangular shape. It scowled, snarled, hissed, moaned and groaned in agony. Popi could see the creature's emotions in a board game of bright colors and a collage of images bouncing in a bowtie pattern on a carousel. The taste of its emotional turmoil had a tart bittersweet flavor. Sailil blew it a kiss and it skipped like rocks on a lake's surface, silencing its suffering as the transfiguration finished. A house born out of its flesh stood before them. A teenage girl walked out of the front door, which was once the creature's navel. Her long, pastel-grapefruit colored hair with cherry-brown sunlights fell loose and voluminous. She had radiant white-ice garrus-green eyes. Her complexion was a silky soft, black-reddish-bronze. Her natural phosphorescence deflected and disguised her true physicality.

"You have something that doesn't belong to you. Hand it over," she said to Teerkedas holding out her hand coming toward him.

"So you are the sorcerer who did this?" Teerkedas said his face close to hers, with his arm in the air balancing the soul on his palm.

"I am the source, but not the sorcerer. My soul was used to power the ritual to cocoon the child. When you took the child out of the creature, you unknowingly summoned me."

"Because your soul was used in the ritual you are spiritually connected to this child," Teerkedas assessed.

She nodded. Teerkedas lowered his arm and put the child's soul behind his back.

"I'm Teerkedas but, call me Teer. This is Dorothey, Sailil, Jezromiah, Popi and Apatt," he extended his hand to her as he introduced her to everyone.

"My name's Fifer o'clock Sahrdo," she said shaking each of their hands. She looked up at Teerkedas. "Give it to me."

"Not until you tell us why you chose to put the child in this state inside the creature."

"It's not only why but whom I'm protecting the child from. The child is known as the Organ. The child's given name is SzsoSzso. JackabyRyan, an Heir-a-minister; a sorcerer wants to use SzsoSzso to expand the Grove into becoming an Autocracy in the country of Idiosyncrasies, where I'm from. SzsoSzso is a musical incarnation, born in the wedlock of music itself. The choice was SzsoSzso's idea to be hidden in this way inside its guardian. The Organ is as old as the first music over forty-nine thousand years ago. Because you have released the Organ from the vessel JackabyRyan will come. The soul is the beacon that will summon him."

Teerkedas handed her the soul. Fifer o'clock flipped the soul in the air and it came back down landing in her palm, flat and small like the shape of a liquid nickel. She took the nickel and inserted it into her pupil with her fluorescent finger, pushing it back to the retina. She blinked her eye and wiped fluid from it with the knuckle of her finger.

"I'm going back to my own time in 1955, to my country of Idiosyncrasies."

"But won't this JackabyRyan follow you there?"

"No, I will be long gone and you won't remember me being here or the Organ. The time memory will be wiped clean."

"Why is that?" Sailil asked.

"When I go back to my time, it sets everything back to the minutes or hours before to keep the time continuum in balance and to keep history intact. Besides, JackabyRyan cannot travel through time without the Grove, without one of Sansagorin heritage among them in the Heir Ministry. Sansagorins are natural-born time travelers. It's a rare hereditary trait. I am not in the Grove or the Heir Ministry anymore I left a year earlier in my time. I was the only one of my kind that was involved with the Grove and the Heir Ministry. The limited number of Sansagorins in existence are like mythical shadows or ghost because they travel through time too frequently. I'm more residential. I only time-travel as needed. If he was very lucky, he might've found another Sansagorin like myself to help him travel here to the country of Anagram, to the future."

"Can you enter any realm you want to?" Teerkedas asked Fifer o'clock.

"No, some realms have borders, walls, blockades or it may be under siege or civil war where I'm prevented from crossing. Do you need to time-travel somewhere?"

"Yes, to the Death Storyteller world. My mother was murdered by one of those things and I want to bring the scumbag to justice."

"You can't just go and bring the Death Storyteller in, unless you're a bounty hunter? Are you a bounty hunter?"


"You have to get a bounty hunter or an agent of law enforcement to arrest the Death Storyteller if you can find which one it was. Do you have any evidence that your mother was killed by one?"


"Strange. Death Storytellers are nonviolent," Fifer o'clock said folding her lips in thought.

"This one has obviously evolved," Teerkedas said with a tsking sound.

"You need an arrest warrant issued for the Death Storyteller. I can open the portal to the Death Storyteller realm, but I cannot go with you. But you must talk to the acting sheriff there Cadimere Warselight. She's originally from the Nanny Cities in Idiosyncrasies. But ever since her Dad retired she has been filling in. She looked after the Organ and helped me keep the child hidden and safe from JackabyRyan."

Teerkedas shrugged. "Ok. I'll use their universe and light years to get back home."

"The Death Storyteller world has no universe. It is based on felt-tip air. And you can't touch the ground. If you walk on their land you will not be able to return to your time. You'll be stuck there forever."

"He can borrow one of my dragons," Jezromiah interjected.

"The felt-tip air is toxic to dragons," Fifer o'clock said.

"We'll put a surgical mask on it," Apatt said.

"I will set a timer on the portal. It will be the only time the portal will open again to let you out and get you back home. The time will show intermittently on different surfaces like a bird's wing, an object or on the bridge of a person's nose letting you know what time it is and how much time you have left. So pay close attention to detail. The time will begin as soon as you enter the portal. You can pick a few people to go with you."

"Sailil, Jezromiah and Dorothey," Teerkedas said.

"No, you can't pick Dorothey. Death Storytellers are intimidated by banshees. Dorothey is half-banshee. They are very territorial. They will see her as a threat to their world. We don't want Dorothey's banshee side and any Death Storytellers to be fighting about territorial rights," Sailil remarked.

Dorothey shrugged. "I can't say there won't be piracy on my end."

"Popi is already out because of her Djinn side being denied access to their world."

"I'll go," Apatt said raising his hand.

"It is against the law to use your powers there. No outsiders are allowed to use their powers there for any reason. The punishment is swift and deadly. And your powers will be recycled. Good luck and safety."

Jezromiah kissed Dorothey long and hard. Sailil, Apatt and Popi group hugged. Jezromiah and Popi shared a kiss on the other's cheek. Popi quickly flew to the lab, got the surgical masks and returned with them. She handed them to Apatt and he passed them out to the other three. Dorothey and Popi stepped aside and held hands looking on as Jezromiah put his hands together in a gratitude-like manner with his forehead resting against them. He removed his hands from his face, still in the prayer position. "Brarto, I need your help. Bring Ricka, Yargdock and Gopi with you. Find us," he said telepathically to his dragon. Brarto rose from his volcanic home with his mate, Yargdock and daughters, Ricka and Gopi in tow. His voice echoed in Brarto's mind and he followed it straight to his master. He landed before Jezromiah. Brarto bowed to him.

Ricka, Yargdock and Gopi alight shortly after and curtsied respectfully to the lot. Brarto was red with his underside, including his wings a dark blue. His eyes were reflecting electric orbs flashing like headlights. Jezromiah petted Brarto's snout and got on his back. Sailil mounted Yargdock, Teerkedas, Gopi and Apatt, Ricka. Fifer o'clock inhaled and exhaled a breath and it came out like a glittery, fuzzy dust floating and spreading into mud spores. The spores settled on the ground and expanded into a large quagmire.

Dorothey and Popi still holding hands, extended their wings and collectively flew up in the air to keep from getting dragged under. Dorothey flipped her wrist backward and enlarged the surgical masks for the dragons. The dragons kept their wings folded and let it pull them and their riders underneath. As the quagmire shrunk, there was a popping sound like a bubble bursting and the only thing left behind was a small skull sculpture made from chains to mark the spot.  

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