Chapter 38

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Three years ago...Her lungs, ears, eyes and nose were so flooded with water she thought she herself was a watery grave. Harrodean felt a tug on her shoulders and back. She wanted to breathe, to speak but she was too overtaken by water. Her body was dropped to the ground and the pressure of the impact forced the water out of her body. She coughed so hard her insides hurt so badly she was sure they were bleeding internally.

"Are you alright, sis?"

"Phenny?" she said in a gravelly whispery voice in between a haggard cough. She blinked the water from her eyes and it fell like tears along her cheeks. She was aided by two hands to sit upright.

"No, it's Reign. This is Nithos," he pointed at the man on the opposite side of Harrodean.

She looked up from left to right at both of the men flanking her, still holding each of her arms. "Where are we?"

"Anahita," one of them replied.

"The water train?" Harrodean said raising a furrowed brow.

Anahita, the water train traveled underwater. A trench was dug in the riverbed or ocean floor. Premade-steel or concrete tubes were sunk into the trench. The tubes were covered with a thick layer of rock, the sections of the tubes are connected and remaining water was pumped out for it to be able to travel. Anahita dived underwater using the almost limitless miles Channel Tunnel. The first bullet train of its kind that could travel this way courtesy of the laborers and underwater welders of Death Storyteller territory and the countries of Anagram and Idiosyncrasies. It was the only other way to travel without time traveling.

"I don't remember boarding this train. I don't remember buying an underwater travel ticket. And time traveling underwater from any region for any reason costs a limb or a life or both," she glanced at her arms breaking the men's grasp on her and her legs. So I know that didn't happen or I wouldn't be whole right now. The only other way I got here is on a free ticket which could only happen if I was dead or was involved in a trauma with water," Harrodean said in between a whisper and a murmur, her eyes widening in astonishment and fear. She swallowed hard, feeling a vein throbbing at the base of her neck from uncertainty and worry.

The train finally docked in the city of Normal-Abnormal-Normal-Abnormal's underwater terminal in the country of Idiosyncrasies.

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