Chapter 45

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"I'll travel to Earth alone. There's nothing equipped to handle a trip that huge."

"No, we should find a way to come with you, Teerkedas," Jezromiah said shaking his head.

"Jezromiah is right. Going alone in your condition will be suicide," Sailil chimed in.

"What about Fifer o'clock can't we summon her?" Dr. Apatt Raddlethorpe asked.

"No, we can't. She can't enter the Death Storyteller realm remember she said," Sailil reminded.

"Wait, everybody. Just chill out. Teerkedas, do you think you have enough astronomical power to make it to Earth?" Sheriff Warselight asked.

"C'mon, he doesn't," Sailil, Jezromiah and Apatt muttered in unison.

Sheriff Warselight held her hand up and gave them a warning look. They quieted.

"Yes, but I'll burn out quickly after and likely get stuck on Earth."

"There's one way I can help you get there Teerkedas, but you'll have to trust me," Sheriff Cadimere Warselight said putting her hand on his shoulder looking him in eyes.

"Sure, I trust you by now. You've been helping keep my mom's case open all these years. Why wouldn't I?"

"I get your spirit there to Earth but I'll have to kill you. And I need the Time-Leaf Masters to cut time in half so his spirit can get there in half the time and come back within that limited frame."

"Kill him?! Are you insane, Sheriff?" Sailil asked.

"I think she's trying to save him," Apatt surmised taking Sailil by the hand.

"By killing him, Doc?" Sailil said with a scowl on her face, shaking her head, slipping her hand from Apatt.

"He's dying anyway. If the Sheriff can help...wait, how can you?" Jezromiah said cocking a brow with a steely glare at Warselight.

"Yes, how?" Teerkedas asked Cadimere.

"Take my hand Teerkedas, lie back," Cadimere said as he did what she told him. "I'm sorry, I never wanted you to find out like this," she said placing her hand on his face. Her eyes became turquoise and black pools. Her face became a silhouette. "How do you want your death story to be told?"

"OH No!" She's a Death..." Sailil screamed.

"Storyteller!" Teerkedas finished Sailil's sentence as his body went limp and his spirit's voice echoed into nothingness. His body from head to toe briefly left a fiery red glow behind in anger and hurt.

Sheriff Cadimere Warselight slowly removed her hand from Teerkedas face. She opened her hand and inside the palm of her hand was a fire cube. "Let go of your anger in this moment Teerkedas. Find the cure for yourself. Put an end to the curse befallen your kind," she blew him away into dissipation like a kiss.

"We both want to kill you where you stand," Jezromiah said standing next to Sailil.

"Yes, I know. But no powers or magic in this here in this realm, remember?"

Apatt stood still rubbing his chin with his thumb. "You know you could've just told us and allowed, especially Teerkedas the option to decide if he wanted to trust you in spite of what you are."

Sheriff Warselight nodded. "I could've but I didn't. You all can thank me later. Take your time."

She walked away with the Time-Leaf Masters Emith, Desiline, Isargat, Ackriel, Sheatry and Anitra-Aquinon to set the timeline for Teerkedas.

Sailil, Jezromiah, and Apatt looked at Teerkedas lifeless body. The numbers on the clock shone across his body. They were counting down. "Remember what Fifer o'clock said about time display anywhere in this realm. Looks like our time is almost up."

"How do we go back home without Teerkedas?" Sailil asked Apatt laying her head on his arm, her hand slipping into his. Jezromiah let out a wispy sigh. 

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