Chapter 49

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"Thanks, Wolfcange for making this sapphiric blue stone crystal into a necklace for me like I asked. I love the beaded chain. I never was a fan of jewelry before, but I think this is nice," Fifer o'clock said looking in the mirror. "Wait a minute, that fire inside keeps moving about. It's pacing 'round like it's thinking about what to do," she said with her hand on her chest resting near the crystal. The flame is so bright but welcoming. "Wait," she said getting closer to the mirror, "the flames are creating something ... she swallowed hard, "It's a...lark smaller than house sparrow, short with somewhat of a forked tail. I think it's trying to tell me its name, Wolfcange," she turned around toward him.

"The flame is celestial. It's why the clusters are celestine. This stone crystal is from outside of the solar system. I think you found your first trapped superterrestrial soul," Wolfcange said as Fifer o'clock took off the necklace and held it in her hands staring at it.

"A natural born soul I never had one of my own. I always made mine from recycled materials. And even though I've carried and crossed over real living souls, none have burned to brightly as this one. Do I send this one to eternal life or find out what happened to the owner of this soul? Or...?" she shrugged and shook her head.

"You've always been able to make your own decisions, Fifer o'clock," Wolfcange said putting his hand on her shoulder, his eyes meeting hers with an encouraging smile.

She held the necklace up by its beaded chain and asked, "What do you think is best, dear soul?"

JackabyRyan laughed sarcastically with a sour expression on his face.

"What, I don't deserve a proper introduction? How unkind of you? You cut me deep, Traveling Salesman. I thought we might be kindred spirits. Pardon me, I was too presumptuous. I should've thought better, particularly over something I've never met before. I suppose, the myth precedes the legend," he said with a grin. "I shouldn't have idolized you. It's not like you're a rock star or something. Or maybe I idolized the power you wield. Yes, that's right. Your power, your... soul." He lunged at Traveling Salesman and through the ether grabbed one of their skeletal and metallic wrist and pulled it forward so hard it made the creature morph into its fully supernatural, cybernetic organic, skeletal with prosthesis form.

Traveling Salesman grabbed JackabyRyan by the face with long fingers and shook him from left to right. From his face down to the ends of his feet disintegrated into solely twigs and pebbles. The wind swirled, pushed and swept those particles away spreading the molecules towards where the Grove used to be.

Oircer leaped and gasped. "What in the blood red hell did you do? Did you kill him?"

"No, I only shook him like a ragdoll," Traveling Salesman shrugged. "I don't know what else just happened."

Traveling Salesman winced and a sharp guttural whispering whistly sound knifed through the skeletal muscles of his torso up to the ones in his throat. The supernatural energy of his body, the light force of his soul which was naturally made partly of foliage and the rest pure solar energy slowly turned into almost completely blackened charcoal.

"Dreams really do come true, if you plot, plan, wait and take advantage of them when the opportunity presents itself. Nature is so timely and timeless. You're such a creature of habit Traveling Salesman. I knew you couldn't resist the chance to return the Grove to its natural incorruptible core. Back into the natural essence of nature it goes. But the energy of the Grove still lingered a bit, its voice I could still hear and feel within me. The voice of nature is so powerful and so energizing. Just a sliver of the Grove left behind in whispers but enough to give me the power I needed to conquer you," JackabyRyan said the sound of his voice slowly merging with Traveling Salesman's.

Oircer's eyes were as big as frying pans. His head and body shook with fear.

JackabyRyan laughed so hard the ground beneath Oircer shook violently and he fell. He stood up unsteadily to his feet.

He looked at Oircer shaking his head, his body trembling, wringing his hands, knees nearly knocking together in fright.

"Possessing a part of nature that's never been done before. That must have been one hell of a shred of power from the whispering of the Grove. I thought I was going crazy at first hearing its voice. You should've ignored it JackabyRyan just like I did," Oircer said composing himself, his jaw clenched with furrowed brows, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"No, you should've listened to it, just like I did. Then you wouldn't be so weak, Oircer. Now I can have my revenge on Fifer o'clock," he laughed with a wide grin pushing Oircer hard on the ground. He slowly got up, grimacing and seething as he watched JackabyRyan disappear into a gale force wind. 

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