Part 4

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Brenda held the picture of the ultrasound in her hand, forming a huge grin as tears swelled around her blue eyes while gazing down at it.

Brenda's biggest fear growing up as a mother of two was not being able to give them equal attention and affection.

Maybe that's what clouded her judgment and blinded her from seeing that one of her daughters was battling something she had no clue about.

She paid so much attention to her youngest, Lucy, that she couldn't notice that her oldest, Travistine, was having sex, getting pregnant, and suffering from depression.

Not to mention she felt so overwhelmed with all of this and wished her boyfriend, Teddy, wasn't at work right now and could hold her and tell her that everything would be alright. He was the best when it came to comforting her.

But instead of him being there for moral support, Brenda turned her back for one second to speak to Camille, the woman at the front desk, on further updates about Travistine and her grandchild when suddenly Lucy vanished out from under her arm.

She didn't just go anywhere when she left her mom's side. She found the hospital room where her big sister was being kept. It wasn't far from the lobby.

Travistine was sound asleep with a tube in her arm that hooked to an IV machine when Lucy strolled in.

She wanted to cuddle her sister so badly, but she didn't want to wake her up, so she crawled into bed and snuggled herself under her arms slowly.

When she eventually noticed the self-inflicted wounds and deep cuts while cuddling and reaching for Travistine's hand to hold, she came to peace with what happened as she laid beside her.

She didn't let out a single tear when she traced her finger over the straight marks that almost ended her big sister's life and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, Travi. Everything's going to be okay. You don't have to feel alone anymore. I'm here now."

Travistine's hand shifts and slightly shakes as if to give a sign.

"Travi, are you awake?"

However, there was no response. Not even a nod to indicate an exact answer. But Lucy could feel it inside, sense it that her sister was alive and well.

It wasn't until Travistine interlocked her fingers with her and squeezed her tiny hand that Lucy knew and finally believed it for herself.

"Oh, thank god, you're really okay," Lucy cries out happily, immediately going in for a hug.

Travistine was able to mutter back, "I'm so sorry I almost left you. I'll never do it again."

"I'm just so glad you're back. You had mom and I worried sick about you."

"I'm so sorry, Luce. I didn't mean to do any of this."

"Then why did you?" Lucy questioned.

"Because I thought I wanted to die. I thought it was the only way to make me feel better."

"It wouldn't have made anything better, just worse, trust me on this. Surviving a bad day would have been better than throwing your whole life away. You would have left behind so much pain."

"I didn't want to burden you with my problems."

"Yet you would rather burden me with your death? Come on, sissy, this doesn't sound like you at all."

"Luce, I went through something traumatic that is difficult to explain and very hard to put into words, especially for a girl your age. You just wouldn't understand."

"Then try explaining it to someone older," said Brenda from the door entrance before coming in.

"Mom," Travistine muttered, her eyes widened in shock at the sight of her.

She felt weak and coward-like sitting in that hospital bed looking over at her mom as the main reason she's still alive. She knew if it wasn't for her, she would be dead.

"Luciana, honey, could you give us the room, please?"

Lucy rolls her eyes. "You always do this." But without another fuss, she gets out of the bed and leaves the room.

Travistine was left to face her mom all alone. She didn't know how to feel anything after knowing the horror her mom had to witness.

"So, we need to talk."

"We can talk as soon as Lucy comes back in," Travistine responded.

"She doesn't need to hear this."

"What do you mean? What did the doctor say?"

Brenda took a deep breath, calming down after the news she received and then gently sits down on the bed to speak, trying to keep from weeping. "The doctor told me about your history of self-harming and abusing and I just — I want you to know that I love you and I don't ever want to lose you."

"I just didn't want you to hate me. I didn't want to be a disappointment to you."

"I would never be disappointed in you. And to be completely honest, I used to do it too at your age."

"You did?"

"Yes, I did. I used to feel so hated, so alone, and so hurt by my friends and family that I wanted to feel something else."

"I'm sorry for not telling you, mom."

"It's okay, Travi, but that's not all the doctor said..,"  Brenda paused, afraid to say what was on her mind even though it would eventually come out in nine months. "He said something else that was more concerning to me than your depression."

"What is it?"

"I don't know how to tell you this."

"Just tell me. I want to know."

"The doctor said you were pregnant."

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