Part 9

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Camille, the woman from the front desk, wearing a white blouse, black skirt and high heels, appeared inside the hospital room to answer the distress call from the bed remote a nurse couldn't respond to.

She discovered the problem. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes that would shine when she brightened a smile. Though after entering, once she saw Travistine at the hands of her manipulative father, those blue eyes turned black with fear and she froze up. The problem was too big to ignore.

Simon had grabbed a navy blue duffle bag that was laying near the door. Without hinting, he pulled a pistol out, holding his daughter tightly beside him.

"Why the hell are you here?! Who sent you?! Who said you could come in here?!"

"How did you get in here? I'm doing check up calls after a nurse went home sick with the flu."

"Well, my daughter doesn't need your help! She's not sick! We're leaving, so you leave, bitch!"

Travistine didn't know this would be how it ended for the woman from the front desk or that she would be the one who would come to her rescue.

She also didn't know her father had a gun hidden inside, and with that pistol aimed directly at Camille's temple, Travistine felt guilty, like she had to do something to prevent a terrible disaster.

She acted almost on instinct and faltered in her steps, falling backwards, touching her stomach with a groan, altering her father's sight as she hit the ground, pretending to faint and faking an accident with the baby to avert his attention from Camille, who ran as fast as she could, helping them both out, to the nearest security guard located in the hallway.

He had a whole team backing him up in seconds as Camille sent them loose in Travistine's room on Simon. They worked together as a team to shield the bullets and avoid his wrath, but Simon knew they were coming. He was able to fend them off: aiming, shooting, killing, and injuring. He was desperate to kill them all, since they wouldn't dare attack him with weapons knowing he had a pregnant teenager next to him. He used their rules against them and tried lifting Travistine over his shoulders while still shooting at all of them. He was desperate to get out.

It shocked him to find out Travistine wasn't in any pain or unconscious when he picked her up. She betrayed him by taking his gun away from him, jumping off of him and holding him at gunpoint with his own gun, allowing the guards to tackle him down as a proud policeman starts speaking, "You have the right to remain silent! Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

"Oh my god! Honey, are you alright? Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" Camille rushed over to Travistine, who had dropped the gun, and checked her wounds. It was obvious from what Camille could see that she wasn't okay in the slightest, but she couldn't say anything about it. It wasn't her place. Instead she said, "I have no idea how he got in, how he got past our security cameras or guards. I'm so so sorry."

The proud policeman continued to speak, "You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just said to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?"

Camille knew the air was thick, wrapped her arm around Travistine, and walked her swiftly out of the room, away from her father who was angry and repeatedly shouting her name as he was being handcuffed and escorted out to the parking lot.

"Travistine! TRAVISTINE!"

When his screams weren't answered, Simon scoffs at the officer. He says nothing to him with an evil smirk on his face. He knows that things aren't over. He knows being caught and sent to jail wasn't the worst thing that could happen to him. It was dying without finishing what he started that scared and worried him. Travistine was just the beginning.

When Camille called her mom and she immediately drove out to the hospital, Brenda was devastated to see Simon in a police car and her daughter standing with Camille outside looking even more bruised, scarred and traumatized than she ever was before.

"Oh, my poor girl, come here!" Brenda cried out, taking a shattered Travistine from Camille in a warm embrace with tears streaming down her face. "I promised I wouldn't let him hurt you again and I failed you! I'm so sorry, baby! You could've died!"

"You didn't fail me, mom. It's over. It doesn't matter now. It's all being handled like you said it would be."

"You're so brave." Brenda smiled. "To have faced what you faced and seen what you've seen and still be so're extraordinary. I can't imagine what I would do without you. I love you so much."

Travistine was even braver to say, "Mom, what he did to me will always be a part of me. But it will never become me. What he did isn't who I am. He can never take that from me."

"Then come along. I'm taking you home. You've seen enough of this hospital. You deserve the touch of something sane for once. Your sister is in the car waiting for you. As soon as you're ready, we are."

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