Back To Reality

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(Travis's P.O.V)
                            As I walked toward the light I kept thinking to myself Am I dead? As I reached the bright light, I saw Katelyn. She was facing a sunset.

Her long blue hair flowing in the wind. She looked beautiful as ever. I walked up to her to touch her shoulder. But before I could, she dissolved and blew away in the wind. Then the scene changed. I was back at the park. With Katelyn by my side. Suddenly, Sean grabbed her and threw her back. Like he did.

My eyes widened in terror. Why didn't I do something... I thought. "What could I have done!?!" I shouted. I fell too my knees. Hot tears crawled down my face. "Katelyn...." I mumbled.

I buried my face in my hands and cried. Then I heard her voice. "Travis..." She called. I looked up. "K-K-Katelyn?!"

I shouted. I stood up and saw her figure. She started running. I ran after her. "Katelyn! No! Come back!" I shouted chasing her. When I reached her she disappeared. "Katelyn..?" I asked looking around. Until I heard a voice.

"You have a choice Travis." It said. "What? Huh?!" I shouted looking around to find the person. Until I saw a beautiful girl. Katelyn. She had a white dress on and her blue hair in a braid to the side like Elsa, sort of.

"Katelyn!" I practically screamed. I ran towards her thinking Please don't disappear... I ran to her and she didn't disappear! I hugged her tight but she pushed away. "Katelyn I'm so glad to see you!!!" I said. "Travis. You have 2 choices." She said sternly. I looked at her in slight confusion. "Go to back to earth but forget everything.. or go to your father." She said. "But.. What about Katelyn?" I asked. "You won't remember her." She said. "You won't remember me..." She said looking down. Tears began to fall from her eyes. So did mine. I hugged her.

"I choose Katelyn." I said. "What?" She said looking at me. I cupped her chin in my hands and yelled. "I CHOOSE KATELYN." Soon, Katelyn dissolved away. I felt myself getting weaker and weaker and weaker. My vision became blurry and I collapsed to the ground.

I woke up in a hospital bed. My eyes fluttered open and saw I had a beautiful view. I stood up and looked out. Soon people rushed in questioning me stuff like: "Are you ok!?" and "Your awake! Your awake!" I was confused. "What happened?" I asked. "After the man had punched you.. You were in a coma for 2 months Travis!" Said a nurse. I stared in shock. "I was..?" I asked. "Yes. Your friends have come to visit you every day hoping you would awake. Thank God you did!" She said.

"They come every 4:00PM." Said a doctor. His tag read Dr.Keenan. "It is currently 3:55! They should be on their way!" I smiled as I surprisingly remembered them all.

They doctors and nurses left and I sat down on my bed. Soon, Aphmau and everyone came in! They all had their heads down with flowers and walked slowly toward my bed. I chuckled and they all lifted their heads and beamed with smiled. "Travis!!!!!" They all screamed. They hugged me and were so happy. Aphmau, Dante, Garroth, Laurance, and Kawaii~Chan cried. I chuckled. But I noticed another guy with Katelyn. Holding hands. Holding Hands.

"Katelyn...who's this?" I asked looking at the man. He had dirty blonde hair, a red t-shirt that said "Rad" and grey jeans. He had a bit of tattoos. I scanned them and noticed they said "Katelyn" and stuff. I looked at Katelyn.

"Oh. Your dating. Yeah I understand." I felt hatred. Rage. "You do!? Great cause I-" before Katelyn said anything I spit out the rudest thing I could think of.

"That your an emotionless person who cares nothing about other people. So you go and find another boyfriend in 2 months Katelyn. 2 MONTHS. You couldn't even give me a freaking chance to wake up! And to think I had the option to go someplace else. Heh. I'd rather leave than stay here with someone like you. I can't believe I loved you." I said glaring at her.

I didn't take a single word back. Katelyn stared at me in shock. So did everyone else. "You option?" Aaron asked.

"Yes. Katelyn was there. She said 'You can go to Phenix Drop, or live with my father'. I yelled 'I choose KATELYN!' But WRONG CHOICE Travis. Great job me." I gave myself a fake highfive. The nurse came in and handed me my clothes. Everyone stepped out and I put them on. They fit normally. We left the hospital and went out to lunch.

~at Olive Garden🍲🍗🍟~

As we ate, Katelyn usually would feed her boyfriends like she did to me. But she stopped. I was soon uncomfortable and got up to leave. As I headed for the front door Katelyn stopped me. "Look- Travis I'm sorry! Please.. I just.. I missed you so much that I needed someone to replace you!"

I stared at her in disbelief. "You replaced me?" I asked. I yanked my arm away from her. "What the heck Katelyn!? Do you even love me? Clearly you didn't because what kind of girl like you would try to replace me!? Stay away from me Katelyn." I said about to leave.

"I hate you..." I mumbled. I walked out the front door. If Katelyn's no longer mine... I thought. What's the point of living...?

Ok time to let out all my inner excitement...

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Lad F,jvbILfdavfdhkbjkvdg!DFbuifdbihlvbfhmvfschgfecjgffecfhcjhgdsvghcjhffrevfcdacethcffhjarsxfjhfadcvgkufdscjtyvsdhgfjhgdzghzhf ghee,vhhfsscmhgcjghvkugc

That helped a lot!! Anywho..THANKS FOR 300+ READS! I wuv u all! Muah muah muah muah muah!

Shout out to
Ava_The_Shipper and KelciSW1821 and _XxBuggsxX_ !!! They have amazing works!! Ok...bai baii!!

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