The Plan

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Ok...sorry I if this seems short but thanks for all the readers!!!!! :D
(Kate's P.O.V)
Today was the day I visit my horrid sister Katelyn. I always despised her. She always had to be better at everything. She beat me at running, cooking, singing, and sleeping. SLEEPING. Before I flew off to Los Angeles, I fell in love with Katelyn's boyfriend Travis. I can't see how Travis would love a brat like Katelyn!?! I have tried so many different ways of trying to get Travis, but they all failed. So I'm not giving up! It's been 6 years since I've seen Katelyn. And today I'm going back. After my flight, I walked to Mystreet because I need to stay fit for Travis. While I was walking I went on Twitter. I scrolled down and bumped into someone. She had orange hair and a black and orange jumpsuit with black knee high heels. "Watch it!" I said rubbing my head. "Well sorry. I was on my way to see someone and you happened to be in my way." She said. I stood out and extended my hand, "I'm Lucinda." She said. "Oh, so your Lucinda? Katelyn's told me a lot about you. I'm Kate. Katelyn's sister." I said shaking her hand. "Hey.. By any chance is there a boy named Travis around here?" I ask looking around. "Yeah there is. You out to get him too?" She asks. "Too? Who else?" I ask. "Me." She said pointing to herself. "Let me guess, you hate Katelyn too?" I ask putting my hands on my hips. She nods. "But I'll make an acceptation. I'll help you win Travis." She says. I raised my eyebrows. "Really?" I ask. She nods. "I usually wouldn't do this...But I love an evil girl. As long as I get in on the fun!" She said. I nodded in approval. I waved goodbye and walked to Katelyn's house. I knocked and some girl with pink hair answered. "Oh hi! I'm Kawaii-" before she could finish I shoved her into the door. "Outa my way loser." I said walking upstairs I swung Katelyn's door open and she was on her computer. "Hey loser." I said. "K-K-Kate!?!" She said jumping out of her seat. "No I'm not Kate I'm Obama! OF COURSE ITS KATE!" I said. I set stuff down and sat on her bed. "Your gonna have to sleep on the couch for a while. Unpack my stuff?" I asked. "Uh- you can unpack it yourself! And no- I'm not sleeping on the couch!" She said putting her hands on her hips. "Hey... Remember Jeffory?" I asked. Her eyes widened in horror. "Do your friends know?" I said smirking. She shook her head and grabbed my bags. She took out my clothes and started folding them. I giggled. This is gonna be a fun week...

Sorry that took so long to write! So many ideas!! Ahhhhhh! Ok shout out time! Again xD
_XxBuggsxX_ Ava_The_Shipper AVtheAssassin simplisticallista ok!!

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