Trying To Win Her Back

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(Travis's P.O.V)

After what happened with Katelyn, I've been depressed lately. My leg is all better, but I stayed in my bed. I have to find a way to win her back.. But.. How? I know! I'll make her jealous! Ok... The plan is.. I get a girl, tell her to make Katelyn jealous, then boom! She's mine! Ooo~ My anime is on!

(Katelyn's P.O.V)
                              I'm still upset over Travis. But I still love him! I can't stay mad at him forever! So...I've made up my mind. I'll get him back! But how.. "Hey Katelyn. Whatcha thinkin' bout?" Aphmau came up to me and asked. "Just.. Stuff." I responded. "What kind of...Stuff?" "Stuff." "What kind of stuff?" "JUST GET OUT APHMAU." I said slamming the door on her face. "Ow!! Now I know how Kawaii~Chan feels..." I head Aphmau say as her voice faded out. Then, I got a phone call from Travis.
T~ Travis
T~Hey, Katelyn. I got a girlfriend.
K~Hey Travis! Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I want to tell you... I have feelings for yo- wait.. WHAT!?!
T~I have a girlfriend. have feelings...for me?
K~No. Never mind. I gotta go.

I collapsed onto my bed. I slammed my head into my pillow and cried my heart out. Travis another girl. I thought. "KATELYN! WANNA GO TO OLIVE GARDEN!?!" Aphmau yelled from downstairs. "Ok!!" I yelled back. I change my clothes and grab my phone and run downstairs. I get into the car and see all the boys. Including Travis.

~Skip to Olive Garden becuz Author~Chan LAZZZYYYY~
When we got to Olive Garden, Travis asked to talk to me. In private. "Katelyn.. Look, I don't have a girlfriend. I tried to make you jealous. Katelyn.. I love you." He said. I looked at him and blushed. "Travis.. I-" before I could finish he smashed his lips onto mine. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. "I-...Yes. YES!!" I said practically jumping up and down. I'm his girlfriend. He's mine. Other girls, BACK OFF.

Hewwo! Thanks for 60 reads! Author~chan really appreciates it!! I'm gonna try to update a lot more!!

~~word count~~

374 Words

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