Chapter [5]

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Katelyn's POV:

I felt the car slow down. I was still on Travis' shoulder with him asleep, I had my eyes closed but i wasn't fully asleep. When laurance stopped the car He jerked it forward so everyone would fall forward. Travis woke up by that, And so did Aphmau and Aaron. But Kawaii~Chan and Dante were still asleep, Until Aphmau started poking them, Causing them to wake up. Garroth was awake in front, "Where here....!" Laurance said turning to us in the back. I stretched and ended up punching Travis. "HAY!!" He yelled, which i laughed at. I sat up straight in my seat waiting to get out. Laurance parked the car and everyone got out. I hopped over the seat kicking Travis, "C'MON KATELYN!!" He yelled climbing over the seat as well, "Sorry not sorry!" I said giving him a wink. I got out and Travis got out behind me, I stretched once again and ending up Slapping Travis again. "KATELYNNNNN!!!" He yelled, "Heh" I said. We got our bags and went to where we were setting up camp.

"Okay, Aphmau and Aaron, Kawaii~Chan and Dante, Garroth and I, And Katelyn and Travis, Got It??" Laurance said, I moaned and went over to where our tent was going to be set up. "Looks like i get you cutie..." Travis said smirking walking over to me. "Yeah yeah, whatever..." I said. Everyone set up their tents, Travis said he could do ours but ended up getting Aaron to help. We all had the same tents so no one had a bigger one. "Okay guys, Meet here before sundown, Got it?" Garroth said, Everyone nodded and went their own directions, Kawaii~Chan with Dante, Aaron with Aphmau, Laurance went one way and Garroth went the other. "Wanna go together, Just in case no monsters get you...?" Travis said smirking. "Sure why not, But your'e going to have to catch me first." I said smirking then running. "Oka-WAIT!!!" He said beginning to run. I ran deep into the woods, Losing Travis. I was out of breath and looking at each tree to see if Travis was planing to sneak attack me. All of the sudden i get pinned to a huge tree, "Caught you...." Travis said smirking, But out of breath. "Man, right as i thought i lost you...." I said, "Can i get a kiss now that i found you...?" He said breathing heavily still. "Nope." I said, "Aw.." He said frowning, "JOKES!" I said pulling him into a kiss. "Thank you..." He said panting, "I'd do it longer, It's just your out of breath...." I said giving a smirk, "Maybe..... Later....?" He said still panting, "Yeah yeah, Whatever, Let's just explore...." I said slipping from his arms and walking toward what looked like a pond. We both went to the pond and looked at it, "Lets um... not... Tomorrow everyone is swimming so yeah..." I said looking at Travis, "I bet you look outstanding in a bikini..." Travis said smirking. I punched him in the arm, "Ouchies..." He said rubbing it, "Don't ever say ouchies..." I said.

We went back to the camp grounds to see Kawaii~Chan and Dante Kissing, "OOOooooooooOOO!!" I whispered to Travis, I got the underwater camera I bought and snapped a pic, But they herd. "KATELYN~SAMA!!!!!" She said running toward's me, "NOPE!!" I said throwing the camera to Travis. "WHY ME?!?!?!" He said, "IDK!!!" I said, He tossed the camera back to me, and i put it in my pocket, Aaron, Aph, Laurance, And Garroth came, "What's For dinner? I'm starving!!" Travis said, I nodded. "Hot dogs! And Smores..!" Laurance said. "YAAYYYY!!!!!" Aphmau said jumping up and down, But when she jumped Aaron caught her and spun her around, And ended up kissing her. I couldn't help but stare, "Wanna try that?" Travis said nudging my shoulder. "In your dreams....!" I said looking over to him.

We ate our hot dogs and were now making the Smores, I've never made them so I needed help. Travis, being the weird person he is, Held my hands in the right position and yeah, (idek how to write it XD) After we ate our smores everyone started to head to bed. I went to the tent with Travis behind me. "So... cuddles?" Travis said, "Not tonight..." I said giving him a wink, His eyes widened which turned into a smirk, I grabbed a sleeping bag and my blanket, I went outside the tent and walked a bit away to change, I didn't want Travis to see...... I came back and i was in a white tank top with black short shorts. (Ooo katelyn!!!) I hopped in my sleeping bag and adjusted my pillow. Travis was what looked like asleep, Facing me. I was a bit uncomfortable and turned to my other side, "Not wanting to see me when you wake up sweetheart...?" Travis said, "N-No......!" I said turning back to him. "Then why did you turn?" He said with his eyes still closed. "Fine...." I said closing my eyes still facing him.


Third Person POV:

Katelyn woke up with Travis in front of her, still asleep. She looked down and saw she was holding hands with Travis, She gave a smirk and kissed his hand, Causing him to wake up a bit. Katelyn grabbed her pillow and smacked Travis with it. "5 more minutes...." He said groaning. "NOPE!" She said smacking him again. "Okay okayyy I'm up....! I'm up.......!!!!" He said getting up, She noticed he didn't have a shirt on. Katelyn couldn't help but blush. They both walked out their tent to see Aphmau and Aaron wake. "Ah, good to see y'all two are awake...!" Aphmau said smiling, Bright as ever, "You might to get y'alls bathing suits on, Since we are going swimming pretty soon." Aphmau said, "Okay..." Katelyn said walking to the tent and getting her swim suit, She also grabbed some short short's and a short shirt, That showed her stomach, She came back to see Travis in his Bathing suit without a shirt, "You should probably get a shirt on..." Katelyn said digging in his bag and threw a shirt, "Why......" He said putting it on.

(Bruh this is getting long XD)

Katelyn's POV:

Apparently to get to where we were swimming we had to take a hike, Hikes are fun and all but are really tiring..... (TRUST ME I KNOW!!! I HAD TO TAKE A REALLY..... REALLY........ REALLY............ REALLLY............................. LONG HIKE!!!! AND BOI WAS I POOPED!!!) After about 10 to 30 minutes of climbing rocks. We got to a cliff which overlooked the ocean. "Oh my Irene.. This is so... beautiful....!" Aphmau said getting close to the edge, We were probably about 10 to 20 feet in the air from the water. "So, How are we going to get down there...?" I said crossing my arms. "WE JUMP!!!!" Aphmau said Grabbing Aaron's Hand and jumping off the cliff. "OH MY APHMAU!!!" I said running over to the edge of the cliff. There was a big splash and a scream, "THAT WAS SOOOO FUN!!!!" I herd aphmau yell. "Ready...?" Dante said to Kawaii~Chan, She seemed scared but Dante held her as they jumped. Laurance and Garroth jumped moments after, So it was just me and Travis. "Ready?" Travis said. "Nope, I am afraid of heights....." I said shaking. "I got you...." Travis said taking my hand and leading me to the edge. "T-Travis... I...." I said with my voice cracking. Travis then hugged me, tight... So tight i didn't want to let go. I then felt us falling, Then i was underwater......

I.... Can't.... Swim......

Travis' POV:

I sprung out of the water looking around for Katelyn, "WHERE IS KATELYN!?" I yelled, "Wait...... DID SHE FALL WITH YOU!?" Aphmau yelled. "YES!! WHERE IS SHE!!" I yelled. "TRAVIS!!!" Aphmau yelled, "KATELYN CAN'T SWIM.....!!!" Aphmau yelled getting out of Aaron's Arms then swimming down looking for Katelyn. My eyes widened and was on the verge of tears. I swam down in the water looking for Katelyn, Since i was on the Swim Team i could hold my breath for a long time. The water was semi clear but it was Salt water, So my eyes burned when i looked, But i'll do anything to save Katelyn. I saw her with her eyes opened, She looked almost dead, I could feel tears coming but now wasn't the time. I swam as fast as I could to her, I grabbed her and pulled her out of the water. Her eyes were now closed but she was still breathing, Slowly... Very.... slowly.... I wasn't giving up hope that she was dead tho...

I got her to shore and gave her CPR (Now i dunt knu this medical stuff so bare with me XD) I gave her mouth to mouth and tried everything, Everyone came to shore and prayed that Katelyn would live.

~After all that saving~

I kept trying, and trying, I herd coughing and saw Katelyn coughing up water. "KATELYN!! OH MY IRENE THANK YOU!!!!!" I screamed hugging her, "W-What happened.....?!" She said weakly. "How come you didn't tell me you couldn't swim!?!?" I yelled holding her hand. "I.. Didn't want to make me a wimp....." She said sighing. "but i need to..... sleep.........." She said tiredly. "Guys, I think we should head back...." I suggested, Everyone nodded. We didn't bring towels so everyone had to walk in their wet clothes, I carried Katelyn Bridal style all the way back, With her sleeping on my chest.

We got back to the campsite and I told everyone i was taking Katelyn to the closest inn there was, To see if she was okay, They all nodded and i carried Katelyn to the closest inn. "Hello I'm Brenna, (Heh XD idek) How may i help you today?" The lady behind the desk said. "Hello pretty lady, Is there a doctor anywhere near!?!" I said, "Hehhe, Umm yes! We have a clinic, Go to your right and it's the first door on the right....!" She said smiling. "Thank you so much!" I said, "No problem!" She said, "I walked to where the clinic was and knocked on the door. A doctor like person came out and I explained everything that happened. He said for us to go home and let her to get some rest. I nodded and asked for her to stay here while i got our stuff. He nodded and i ran to back to tell everyone.

"Guys, Katelyn has to go back home... I'm taking her...." i said panting. "Is she okay!?!?!" Aphmau said, "Yeah... She just... needs rest... And needs to be home..." I said breathing heavily, "Okay... But how are you going to get back....?" Laurance said, "Idk!" I said, "But i'm in a rush, Enjoy's y'alls rest of the trip!" I said running toward our tent and grabbing all our stuff.

I ran back to the inn and went where Katelyn was staying in at the moment. The doctor was kind enough to drive us back to her house. She slept on my shoulder the whole way there. It was pretty late so when we got to her house I unlocked it, Using the Key Katelyn Brought. I carried her up to her room and laid her in the bed, I was about to walk out the room until. "Can you stay with me....? Please.....?" I herd her say weakly. I smiled and went where Katelyn was, I snuggled into her bed with her on my chest, This is was the worst day but yet the best....... My true love almost died but I spent the day saving her.. Now i get this in return... I kissed her forehead and she kissed my neck. (ew, not like that XD) I chuckled and we both slept in silence....


This was really... really.... really..... long.... Which explains why it's out so late... I apologize fur dat!!! But i hope you enjoyed and ye!! I have nothing else to say! :D

Word Count: 2093

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