13 | christmas

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Del had been reluctant the whole train ride. She had sent the letter to her parents saying she would be staying with Angela but that didn't stop her from having second thoughts.

Someone placed their hand over hers and she looked up to find that it was only James. She was tempted to pull away until she realized that there was a table there meaning Sirius, Remus and Peter couldn't see.

He adjusted his hand so that their fingers were interwoven and he sent her a comforting smile. He leaned forward slightly, his thumb brushing over her hand, "It's going to be okay."

She nodded in response but she wasn't entirely convinced.

Sirius was watching them both with narrowed eyes. He knew that the pair had grown surprisingly close over that past school year but he was still trying to figure out exactly how close they had gotten. Remus had told him that he was being dramatic but it was entirely possible that he was merely trying to placate the boy.

The first few days at the Potter's house had been both weird but welcoming for Del. Euphemia Potter had enveloped her in a hug and told her, "It's nice to finally meet you, Del. I've heard so much about you." It was odd to think about Sirius or James talking about her to the women.

"I have something for you," James informed the girl Christmas morning. She looked over at him in surprise. He crossed the hall to her and handed the wrapped present over, "It was technically supposed to be your birthday present but I never got the chance to give it to you."

She took it from him after a moment, "You really didn't have to get me anything."

"I know," he nodded. "But I wanted to."

"I know I can come off as a little self absorbed but a mirror?" she inquired.

He rolled his eyes, "Say my name."


"Just do it."

She huffed before holding the mirror up, "James Potter." Del heard her own voice echo from James's pocket. He reached in and pulled out an identical mirror. When she looked back in her mirror, she no longer saw her reflection but saw James. "A two way mirror?"

He nodded, "I remembered you saying how bored you got when you were in your room alone." He held up the mirror, "I figured this way you could always have someone to talk to. Whether it be me or Sirius."

She smiled, "Thanks, Potter."

"What are you two party poopers doing up there?" Sirius inquired as he shouted up the stairs. "The presents are downstairs!"

Del rolled her eyes before tucking the mirror away in her jacket. James tucked his back in his pants before the two made their way down the stairs.

She had never seen so many presents in her entire life. The most she had ever gotten from her parents was books on Transfiguration so she could improve her spell work. And then there was the pocket watch.

Sirius watched her with a grin, "You go first."

She rolled her eyes but picked up a present anyway, "You're overly enthusiastic for someone else to open a present."

She had gotten quite a bit from the Potter's. She now had five new jumpers that weren't green or black and she also received a large sum of chocolate. She was under the impression that James had told his parents about her little problem.

Sirius had given her a penknife.

"What would I possibly need this for?" she had asked.

"To protect yourself."

"I have a wand, you moron," she replied before she flipped it open revealing the knife. "But if you wanted to be stabbed, you could have just asked."

James held up his in awe, flicking it open after a moment of struggle. "It's a knife?" he gaped.

Del had rather awkwardly handed over James's present. He opened it to reveal something that caused him to grin.

"What is it?" Sirius inquired as he tried to peer over the boy's shoulder.

James covered it up and shook his head, "Doesn't matter."

Sirius narrowed his eyes as he looked from James to a now blushing Del. It wasn't that the gift was embarrassing but it suddenly felt as though she had gotten him the wrong thing.

She had never been a very good gift giver but when she had been walking through Hogsmeade and stumbled upon a bookstore that had both muggle and magic books, she went to search for the book. She had gotten him a book that contained random quotes, much like the one that she had read.

The day went on and Del had almost forgotten about everything that had happened over the past few weeks. The key word being almost.

"You play the piano?" James asked as he took a seat on the bench next to her.

She nodded as her fingers danced across the tiles, a melodic tone gracing their ears. "I know some," she explained. "Had lessons when I was younger until Sirius broke the piano." She glanced up at him, the note cutting off abruptly, "Do you play?"

He sucked in a breath, "No. My parents hired someone to teach me but I'm not exactly musically inclined."

She laughed as she turned back to the piano and started a new song, "That doesn't surprise me."

He watched her for a moment. Whenever she was focused on something, her eyebrows pinched together and her lips were usually pressed in a tight line. When she played piano, however, this was not the case. It was the opposite, really.

She appeared relaxed, a small smile rested on her face. He had never seen her more peaceful before.

"Your staring," she accused without looking at him.

"I'm not staring," he replied. "I'm admiring."

Her smile grew slightly, "If that's what you want to tell yourself."

There was a bang from outside causing Del to jump, hitting a group of keys and creating a rather ugly sound compared to what she had been playing before.

Del looked over at James who appeared just as confused. They approached the window and Del felt the color drain from her face.

"Oh, Merlin," Del muttered. "How could I be so stupid?"

"Why would Angela rat you out?"

"She would never say anything," she countered. "But that doesn't mean her parents wouldn't."

"Her parents know you're here?"

"No," she shook her head. "But why would I lie about where I was if I wasn't going to be here?"

"I'll get my mom," James said and he started to the kitchen but she stopped him.

"Don't," she requested, "I'll talk to her."

"I don't think she's all that interested in talking."

Just as he said this, there was something shot at the door causing the house to shake slightly.

Del started toward the door but James grabbed her arm. She shook him off, "I should have never come." Del quickly slipped past James and opened the door. As soon she saw her mother she shouted, "Stop!"

"Delphinus," Walburga sneered. "What a surprise to find you here?"

"What do you want?"

"I want my children back," she replied simply and it didn't go past Del that she had said children instead of child. "I thought I was clear that you were to stay away from the Potter boy."

"I'm not here for James," Del pointed out as she stood between her mother and the Potter's home. "I was here to see Sirius. I still consider him my brother even if you don't consider him your son."

Walburga stepped forward, clearly having the intention of going in and getting the boy. Del had her wand drawn in seconds. "Let me past," she demanded but Del didn't falter.

"The way I see it, you have a choice here mother," Del announced, her wand held steady in front of her. "You can try and get past me and find out what happens or you can wait out here while I go grab my things and then I'll come with you. And you can do whatever you please to me once we are back home."

Walburga narrowed her eyes, "You get five minutes. Not a moment longer."

Del ran back into the Potter's house quickly, slipping past the boys who had no doubt been watching the interaction between her and her mother. She entered the room she had been staying in and gathered her things, shoving them all into her luggage.

"You don't have to leave," Sirius announced from the door and Del shook her head.

"Yes, I do," she replied as she zipped up her bag. She picked it up, "You know I do."

"No," he shook his head. "Let me help you."

"I don't need your help, Sirius," she pointed out. "I just need to go home."

"What's going on?" Remus asked as he joined Sirius at the door, Peter and James behind him.

"I'm leaving," she informed them. She waved the hand she had her wand in, "If you would move, this will be a lot easier."

James glanced behind him for a moment, "You don't have to go, you can-"

"No," she cut him off, "Now get out of my way before I make you get out of my way." James opened his mouth to protest but Sirius grabbed his arm and moved him away from the door frame so the girl could leave. He turned to look at the boy but Sirius merely shook his head.

"Tell your parents I said thank you for having me," Del requested as she exited the room and walked past Peter and Remus.

"Black, just wait a minute," James tried as he slipped out of Sirius's grip. "Del!" he shouted as she exited the house but by the time he opened the door again, she was at her mother's side and they disappeared.

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