18 | apologies

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"Are you out of your bloody mind?" Sirius gaped, turning to face his sister. "I mean, I thought Bellatrix was bonkers but this? This?" he repeated and she was very close to rolling her eyes at his behavior. "You've completely lost it!"

Del's arms were crossed over her chest as she was slouched down in the chair, "Are you done?"

"No!" he shouted and she huffed. "You're a spy? A spy? How could you possibly think this was a good idea? How do you think this is going to end when he finds out?"

"He's not going to find out."

"Of course he bloody is!" the boy countered. It felt as though he had been berating her for over an hour since Dumbledore explained the situation to them.

Remus and Peter had been surprised by the revelation, James hadn't stopped staring at her since he found out and Sirius, well...

"You're an idiot! A right idiot! I mean, I thought you were just stupid before but now...You're a bloody moron!"

"Pads, maybe you should-" Remus tried but he continued anyway.

"Merlin, I can't believe you!"

Del turned to the Headmaster, "Can I go?"

He gestured to the door, indicating that she was free to leave. She stood up and Sirius shook his head, standing up as well, "I'm not done talking to you, Delphinus!"

"Oh, yes, you are," she countered.

Remus and Peter stood up as well, the both of them having to force James to stand up.

"No," he countered as he followed her up the stairs. "This is so beyond stupid, I-"

"Sirius!" she exclaimed, turning to face the boy. "It's not your choice, it's mine. And the choice has already been made so would you just shut the hell up so you don't ruin everything?"

He narrowed his eyes, clamping his mouth shut. He walked up past her, making his way to the exit. "Oh, come on!" He disappeared and she looked down at the other three frowns who were all wearing different expressions.

Remus had a frown on his face, Peter looked as though he were guilty of something whereas James's expression was unreadable. This was going to be loads of fun.

Del turned to face Remus, "You should go after him before he does something stupid." He opened his mouth to protest but ultimately nodded in agreement.

She looked over at Peter, "I can take him from here. Do me a favor and go find Lily and Snape, I have some things I need to talk to them about."

Peter nodded quickly before following Remus up and out of the stairway. Del looked down at James who was watching her now, "We should get out of here. I'm pretty sure I saw a spider."


"Not here."

He clamped his mouth shut and nodded slowly before following her up the stairs.

They were silent as they walked through the school, ignoring the looks sent their way.

They stopped next to the troll tapestry and Del paced back and forth before a door appeared. The pair entered the room to find that it was the same as the night that Del had gotten drunk at the Slytherin party.

She cringed at the memory but wiped it from her mind as she turned to face James. She opened her mouth to say something but he beat her to it, "I'm sorry."

"You're - What?" she gaped. She shook her head again as she watched him in confusion. "What?"

"I'm sorry," he repeated as he walked toward her. She wanted to turn and run from the room but she was rooted in place. "I - I said some not so great things and I-" he shook his head. "I wasn't fair to you. I mean, I didn't know but it's not as though I gave you the benefit of the doubt either and-"

"James," she interrupted and he clamped his mouth shut. "Stop."

He was standing only an inch or so away from her, his taller stature towering over her with ease. She looked up at him, fighting down her immediate reaction. "You really are an idiot," he informed her and she narrowed her eyes.

"Do you want me to hex you?"

"Not particularly, no," he replied, scanning her face for a moment. "But I stand by what I said."

"I'm not changing my mind."

"I know."

She huffed, not sure what he wanted from her. He raised his hand, placing it carefully on the side of her face as though she were some wild animal who might bite him if he made the wrong move. It was ironic considering he really was a wild animal.

She eyed him curiously, her gaze flickering from his hand to his face, "What-"

Her questioning was cut short as he leaned forward pressing his lips to hers. She gasped involuntarily as she moved her own hands up to his hair, tugging gently. He moaned quietly into her mouth sending a tingling sensation down her spine.

She moved her hands down to his chest and pushed him away. "Wait, wait..." she shook her head. "I can't."

He frowned and she could see the hurt in his expression, "Why not?"

"It's too dangerous," she explained, "If anyone were to find out or-"

"Del," he interrupted, reaching out and grabbing her hand. "I can protect myself."

"You say that now, but-"


"You've never met him, okay!" she exclaimed and he faltered. "He is quite literally the most terrifying person I have ever met. Hell, I don't think you could even call him a person. I don't know what happened to him or how he got there but...he's not even human anymore. He sucks any positive feeling from the air, like he's a dementor or something and he-" she shook her head. "It's too risky."

"Then what about you?" he asked. "The way I see it is if he ever finds out about you lying to him, me and anyone else you decided to put your life on the line for are in just as much danger as you. What difference does it make if you spend your time around me? Aren't you going to have to do it anyway considering you're supposed to be spying on the Order?"

She faltered at this, "How do you know about the Order?"

"Dumbledore approached the four of us and Lily about it a week ago," he explained.

"He never said anything."

"Because we have yet to agree to it."

"But you are now?"

"If it means that I can help keep you safe then yes."


"It's not just that," he shook his head. "It's everyone. Especially after today, the people need someone to fight for them."

"It's really not-"

"I didn't get a choice in what you decided to do, why should you get a say in what I do?"

Her nose wrinkled at this, "You're awfully annoying."

"And I'm right."

She let out a sigh, "As much as I hate to admit it, you are."

He raised an eyebrow, "That was surprisingly easy."

She whacked him on the arm and he smiled. He leaned down slightly and pressed his lips to hers again for a moment. She smiled in return before pulling away, "I have to go talk to Lily and Snape but we can continue this later."

He laughed at this, "First you want nothing to do with me and now you just want me for my body?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'll see you later, Potter."

"Later, Delphinus."

She scowled before walking out of the room, immediately making her way to Lily and Snape.

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