Chapter Seven

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"Okay, okay!" I exclaimed. "Just please stop hurting me!"

The blind man only chuckled as I led him into the inn. Captain looked up from where he was sitting and he shakily stood up and made his way over to us.

"Blind Pew," Captain rasped. "What do you want?"

Blind Pew only motioned for Captain to come closer, and Captain reluctantly obeyed. Blind Pew grabbed Captain's hand, placed something in it, and then scurried away.

"What did he give you, Captain?" I asked, trying to see what was in his hand.

"Th-The black spot!" he screamed in terror. "Quickly!" he handed me the key that always hung around his neck. "Get the map and run far away from here!"

Just as he gave me the key, he clutched his chest and fell to the ground, dead.

"Jim?" my mother ran to my side. "What happened?"

I explained to her everything that happened, and we agreed to head upstairs to Captain's chest. As we opened it, we saw a few clothes, an oilskin pouch, a bag of money, and a sword.

-Only take the money (Go to Chapter Nine)
-Take both the money and the map (Go to Chapter Ten)
-Only take the map (Go to Chapter Eleven)

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