Chapter Twenty-Four

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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I thought that Silver was my friend, but I was proven to be wrong. Anger took over my common sense and I jumped out of the apple barrel, surprising the pirates that were there.

"You're nothing but murders!" I screamed at them, anger tears in my eyes. "I won't let you get away with this!"

However, before I could do anything, Hands grabbed me and threw me to the floor.

"Sorry, Hawkins," he shrugged, holding a knife above me. "But we can't have you squealing to the Captain."

He let the knife drop, pinning me to the ship's floor by my stomach. I coughed up blood, the others having little pity shining on their faces, besides Silver. The shout of "Land ho!" caused them to run up onto deck, but Silver stayed behind.

"I'm really sorry it had to be this way, Jim," he said. "But, we want that treasure and we will have it. I did like you, lad. Thought of you as my own son, I did."

"P-pirate..." I managed to spit out, my eyes narrowing as I lost my vision. "M-Murderer..."

You died. Go back to Chapter One and try again.

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