Chapter Ten

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Third Person's POV!

Zeizei went about her morning, cleaning dishes, and passing meals out to Sarah who began serving the morning drove of customers who came in. Silver decided to busy himself in the kitchen with BEN and help with the cooking. From time to time, the old cyborg watched as Zeizei moved about the Inn, serving customers and helping Sarah whenever she could. Jim had told Silver about Zeize's quest for answers, and how Amelia was trying to get a commission for the voyage. Aside form helping Zeizei, it was an amazing exploration opportunity.

Jim had extended the offer out to Silver, since he was on the run, he really had no where to go and Amelia wouldn't turn him in. Or, at least, Jim hoped she'd turn a blind eye. Silver spent the morning thinking about it, and he could use some months filled with adventure and possible treasure.

"Oy! Jim! I be needin' a refill of Montressor Gin fer table six!"

Silver looked over, hearing Zeizie call from over the counter. Jim gave her a mug of said drink and she chuckled, "Thank ye, laddie!" she snatched up the drink and resumed serving the customers. Silver looked over at Jim as he walked over to the kitchen and began washing dirty plates.

"You and that Zeizei seem to be gettin' along jus' fine." Silver said as he put a pot on Bonzebeeast stew on the stove to boil.

Jim looked over at the grey-skinned female alien and shrugged, "She's ok. Doesn't like to chat much about her past, though. She said something about having enemies?" he scoffed as he put a clean plate on the rack to dry.

Silver nodded in understanding, "Well, I'd wager she's got people who be seekin' fer her home as well as bounty hunters who'd get paid a pretty penny for her." he said as his cybernetic arm turned into a series of knives and he began dicing up fruit.

Jim looked over at Silver, "So . . . would you consider it? Coming with us, I mean?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'd be up fer a 'nother hunt." Silver said with a coy grin, "Just so long as the Cap'n keeps me free o' bars." he chuckled.

"I think that can be arranged." Jim said with a chuckle, before he snorted as Silver ruffled his dark brown hair.

That's when screaming made both Jim and the old Cyborg jump. Jim was the first out into the main area and he gasped in shock. Silver came out behind him and froze, his teeth slowly began to show as his face twisted into one of pure rage.

It was a group of riffraff. Theives. One of them being the big brute that Zeizie had kicked out a few nights prior. They were armed with the standard blaster, and they held one of the customers--a female by the name of Mrs. Dunwoodie--hostage. Zeizei stood before them, her wings flared, creating some sort of barrier between the bandits and the rest of the innocents.

"What do you want?" Jim demanded.

The leader of the group, a tall, dark, and lanky creature with four eyes, and a wide mouth with tusks raised a muscular arm and pointed to Zeizei, "Give us her, and we'll leave in peace."

"Why's the lass so important to ye?" Silver asked as he walked up beside Zeizei.

The leader let out a loud cackle, a whooping, low cackle that shook the walls, "You really don't know? Every thief, bounty hunter and pirate is after the ruby-winged beast. She can lead ye to the greatest treasure known to the universe, aside from Flint's Trove. She also gave my comrade here," he motioned with his jaw to the buff human beside him, "a humiliating beating, so it's also partially for revenge."

"To be fair," Zeizei cut in, "yer bastard of an ally was bein' rude, perverted, and all-manner of hell t'ings. He had it a-comin'." she spat, "An' I won't be handin' meself over ta ye, on account of I don't know what the bloody hell ye be on about!" She grabbed a meat cleaver from off the table, "Now, let the lady go, or I can show ye what happens when ye go on piss me off!"

Jim glanced at her, "Zeizei . . . you're map." he murmured.

"The hell's that gotta do wit dis, boy?" Zeizei asked, still brandishing the meat cleaver.

"Yer map, lass, it must not jus' lead to yer home. It must lead to some treasure." Silver clarified, catching onto what Jim was saying very quickly.

Zeizei's blue eyes widened before she smacked Jim upside the head, "Keep that to yerself! Now we's got no upper hand!" she snapped, her lips writhing up to reveal a set of vampire like fangs, "Dumbass." She rolled her eyes.

"Ow." Jim complained, rubbing his head, before shrinking a little beneath the shadow of Zeizei's wings.

Silver growled and hobbled forward, his cybernetic parts clicked and whirred, "Let the good Miss go, before blood is shed." he ordered.

The leader snarled and erupted into that cackle again, "The great and notorious Long John Silver, giving me orders? Ha! You're out of your time and day, old man! It is a new era, new pirates and new treasure!" He grinned.

Before another word could come out of his big mouth, there was a zing and a flash of bright metal. The leader howled in agony as the meat cleaver Zeizei held embedded itself in his shoulder. He stumbled back, letting Mrs. Dunwoodie go--to which she screamed and slithered off to safety.

Silver blinked in shock, never before had he seen a knife thrown with such accuracy, "What the Devi-?" he was cut short as Zeizei launched herself at them.

Her wings flared out, revealing the stunning ruby-red outsides, reflecting the light of the inn. As her wings shot out, she tossed two of the bandits out of the door with them, before she turned on the other--the one who she had beaten up before--grabbed a chair, and smashed it over his head, evidentially knocking him out. She then turned to the only one standing: the leader with the meat cleaver in his shoulder. Zeizei's long ears flickered as she bared her teeth again, "Boo."

The leader flinched before he grabbed his unconscious comrade and fled. Ziezei gave a snort of approval, "Cowards, the lot of ye." she turned and her expression went into one of confusion.

Sarah, Silver, Jim, BEN, Morph and Delbert--who had come to have his usual meal, and was sitting in the corner--along with the rest of the customers, stared at the this winged alien with red hair. Their eyes wide, mouth's agape, BEN's jaw looked like it was about to unhinge and fall to the floor.

Zeizei scoffed and rolled her eyes, she brushed past Silver and walked back into the kitchen to resume her chores.

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