Chapter Two

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Jim rushed around the Inn, Morph following him. The young man gathered a bowl, hot water, a wash cloth and some disinfectant for the wounded individual in the next room.

"Where is the. . . ?" Jim grumbled as he looked through drawers fro another wash rag.

Morph zipped over to another cabinet and chittered to Jim. Jim ran over and snatched it from the drawer, "Thanks, Morphy." he said.

BEN came stumbling into the kitchen, "Jimmy?" the robot asked, "What's going on?"

"Long story, BEN," Jim said as he continued to gather supplies, "you'll see." he said.

BEN arched a mechanical brow, before he poked his head out, and gasped, before he turned to Jim, "Who is that?!"

"Her name is Zeizei and she is hurt." Jim snapped, "Now help me!"

Meanwhile--as Jim rushed around the kitchen, with BEN and Morph--Sarah struggled to pull the wounded, grey-skinned woman onto the sofa. Sarah grit her teeth as she pulled off the ragged coat from the woman, who called herself Zeizei. She tossed the bloodied garment aside and propped Zeizei up, her head resting in Sarah's neck. Sarah arched a brow as she felt two weird lumps on her back.  Sarah quickly paid it no mind as she set Zeizei on the couch, sliding a pillow beneath her head to prop it up a little bit.

Zeizei wheezed as she opened her eyes again, "T-thank ya, lassie." she mumbled with a faint breath. Zeizei's voice was low, and a bit deep for a woman, with a very classic accent that would make one instantly think of a pirate.

Though . . .  even bloodied, she didn't look the part.

Sarah sighed as she brushed some of her hair from her eyes. Zeizei's hair was crimson, one side shaven, the other long and uneven, "Of course, dear. Just breath, we're going to get you to a doctor."

Zeizei's face went slack, before she sat up with a cough,  "No, no . . . I can't." She shook her head, "Just put a bandage on it, and I'll be on me way." she rasped, before she coughed, blood running down her chin. 

Sarah gently eased her back down on the couch, "Whoa, whoa, hold on now." she said softly, "You're obviously hurt, and you need a doctor."

Zeizei's long ears twitched as she looked over, out the window, the two rings in her brows reflecting the slightest amount of light. Lamps created gentle light in the empty Inn, the sky outside was dark with hardly a star visible. Her blue eyes--reflecting the same light--flickered back and forth as she took in the entire space around her. She winced and held her side again in agony. Sarah sighed,  "Let's have a look." she reached down and held the hem of her bloody tunic.

Sarah braced herself as she lifted up the tunic, to reveal Zeizei's toned, muscular stomach, which was interrupted by a stab slash wound across her middle. The slash mark of a blade.

Crimson blood instantly stained Sarah's fingers as her eyes widened, "Oh, my . .  ." she then slowly examined the wound,  "Well . . . this wound doesn't look to deep."

Zeizei huffed, "See? Not'in but a scratch." she said as she shifted a little bit.

Sarah sighed, "I still want to get you fixed up." she said softly.

Jim came in--BEN in tow--with a bowl of warm water, disinfectant and rags, he set them on the sofa and Sarah grabbed a rag, dipped it into the water, and began cleaning the blood off. Zeizei allowed her, looking over at Jim, before her eyes fixated on Morph and BEN. She cocked a brow, and chuckled faintly, wincing in pain,

"What the devil s'that lil' blob, n' the tin can?"  she asked with a smirk.

Jim chuckled as Morph floated over and nuzzled up to her,  "He's names Morph. A . . ." he briefly hesitated, as memories flittered across his mind, " . . .a friend of mine found him on Proteus One." he said.

Zeizei nodded as she tickled the blob, and he giggles as he shape shifted into a mini version of her. It saluted, before transformed back into the adorable pink blob.

BEN then got right up in her face,  "Hi! I'm BEN: Bio-Electronic Navigator!" he grabbed her hand and shook it violently, "How ya doin'?" he asked with a grin.

Zeizei blinked before she pulled her hand away, "Bit in pain, but . . .eh, I'll live . . ." she said, a bit on the uneasy side.

Jim chuckled and pulled BEN back, before he then looked down to the wound his mother was tending to, "So . . ." he rubbed the back of his neck, "How'd that happen, anyways?" he asked.

Zeizei tensed, looking up at the young man. He had a fire in his eye, a glint. Zeizei then looked down at her three-fingered hands, before she spoke, "We all have our secrets, Lad . . ." she looked up at him, "some . . .are better kept in the dark." She then winced, "Besides, I barely know ye." she smirked up at him.

Jim opened his mouth to speak when the door to the Inn banged open, and a familiar figure came in,

"I am so sorry, Sarah, I forgot my briefcase . . ."

It was Dr. Delbert Doppler, he adjusted his glasses and looked up. His eyes laid on Zeizei and he froze, before he got a deadpan look on his face,  "Clearly I have missed something."

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