Love Turns Into Lies...

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As Asami ran and ran and ran away from the Sakamaki mansion, she stops to take a break from running too fast as she sits down next to the tree. She was lonely and sad as she starts to break tears again, heartbroken about her brothers abandoning her for the blonde girl.

"I miss them....but they forgot about me...."

She sadly spoke as starts to cry again sadden by her brothers' neglect and pushed her away, a man with gray hair appeared.



She look up at the young man with gray hair with teary Hazel eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

He asked as she narrowed her eyes at the ground.

"'s..nothing serious....."

She replied.

"Are you lost."

The young man with the messy brunette hair asked where she shakes her head. Then the young man with blonde hair came up to her and pat her on the head surprising her.

"Hey! Don't be so gloomy there, why won't you stay with us?"


"Yes, it'll be dangerous to be alone by yourself out here."

The gray haired man assured her.

"Can I really stay with you?...."

She shyly asked with the gray haired man nodded.

"My name is Ruki Mukami and you'll be staying with us at the Mukami mansion."

He stated as the blonde haired guy grinned at her.

"I'm Kou Mukami, nice to meet you!"

"Yuma Mukami."

The brunette guy introduced himself.


The young boy with light gray hair asked as she slowly raised her head, she slowly forms a smile.

"Asami Sakamaki...."

She introduced herself shyly with Ruki tilting his head.

"So you're from the Sakamaki mansion huh?"


She nodded smiling a bit.

"Then let's take you to our house shall we?"


She nodded again as she smiled even bigger, she felt love and care for the first time from the Mukamis. Later in the mansion, Asami happily eats the food that Ruki made.

"Wow! The food you made is great Ruki!"

She cheered as she continues eating her food causing Ruki to narrow his eyes.

"T-Thank you Asami...I didn't mean to surprise you or anything...."

"What are you talking about?! This is amazing!"

She grinned happily as Ruki lightly blushes at her compliment.

"Awwwww Ruki kun's blushing!"

"Eat your food Kou."

Ruki ordered as he blushes more.

"But it's true though! This is the first time I ever saw you blushing in front of a girl Ruki kun!"

"Kou I will let Azusa eat all of the tempura if you don't eat."

He threaten him.

"Gah! Okay I'll eat! Yuma kun give me some of that tempura!"

"Are ya kidding me?! You already have ten already!"

"Well I can have any food I want Yuma kun!"

Kou pouted as Asami watched how the Mukamis get along in the house, she smiled and giggled feeling accepted and welcome by them.

This might be not that bad after all. It's like I'm in a family again...

She thought as she smiled warmly they shared love and smiled, she finally found love that she's been looking for. During her stay at the Mukamis, she became much more happier with the Mukamis where she helped Yuma with his gardening, sang songs with Kou, talking and reading with Ruki, and playing with Azusa. Everything she wanted made her happy, the Mukamis gave her much love and affection, but she couldn't deny the fact that she misses her brothers, but wouldn't admit because of her jealousy of their attention to the blonde bitch.

Later that night, Asami is sitting outside in the backyard feeling sad as she looks at the night sky until Ruki came in.



She turned to see Ruki entering outside to see her he saw her sad Hazel eyes when he and his brothers first met her last night. He then walked over to her and sat next to her.

"Tell me, why are you sad?"

He asked curiously with a stoic face as she slowly look up to him with lonely Hazel eyes as tears are barely shown.

"...I miss my brothers....."

She sadly admitted as tears fall to her cheeks, Ruki catches her tear drops with his finger and cupped his hand to her slightly wet cheek.

"There's no need for you to cry Asami, no matter where go, no matter where you are. I'm always with you."

Ruki then formed a warm smile at her with Asami smiling sweetly as she holds his hand with teary eyes.

"Thanks you...Ruki kun..."

She then hugged him surprising him, but he hugs her back wanting her to feel loved and cared. Although cares for her, he is actually hurting inside because he and his brothers are using her as a new product as Eve for their Adam and Eve plan. However, he couldn't help, but feel sympathy and care for the youngest daughter of the Sakamaki family as he struggles between using Asami as Eve or his unconditional love for her.

After last night, Asami skipped happily in the hallway in the Mukami mansion until she heard something from the living room.

"So how long is she going to stay here Ruki kun?"


She then carefully listen to their conversations from the others side where they're talking about something suspicious.

"I don't know, Karl said to kidnap Asami and take her to her place..."

Ruki explained as Asami widen her eyes.

They know my dad? And...why would my dad do that?

"Dude, she's been here for three weeks now! Karl said that little girl is the new Eve and as Adams we must let Asami to pick which one us is our Adam!"

Yuma yelled causing her to get suspicious.

The new Eve? Adam? What does that even mean?

She thought as she eavesdropped their conversations.

"Calm down Yuma and you do have a point, Eves have distinctive blood, but Asami's is much more different than Eve's."

Ruki assured him.

Who's Eve?

She thought curiously while eavesdropping.

"Who cares if both of their bloods are different? The truth is that she's nothing but a goddamn product for our Adam and Eve plan!"

Yuma yelled as she widen her eyes shock to hear what she just heard.

I'm a product?.....

She thought as she gets unsure, but kept eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Well she is an Eve product after all, a WAY better Eve than the other one."

Kou then chuckled as she became shocked to hear Kou laughing about how she was used.

"Knock it off Kou, she will be the perfect product for our Adam and Eve."

Ruki stated as she stepped back from the door, she became shocked, betrayed, and heartbroken to hear such hurtful things.

"No way...they're only....using me as a product?....."

She asked herself as she felt so betrayed and heartbroken, she couldn't take it no more as she starts to teleport out of the Mukamis. Once she got out of the Mukamis, she starts running away again feeling so betrayed that not only her trust with everyone around her has damaged, but her hope for love to last has shattered......

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