Boyf/Bros- True Loves Kiss

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For real this time I swear

Also this has texting and driving bc our bois are idiots

"So... Evan. What do you want to do?" Michael asked, glancing at the nervous boy in the seat next to him.

"I, uh, I don't, I'm good with. With whatever, so." Evan nervously fiddled with his hands, looking out the window.

Michael sighed, grabbing his phone carefully and texting Jeremy.

Me: date isn't going good. Both awkward.
Me: Met at diner?

Player One: Yep
Player One: and same here dude. Except his just kinda like a more Emo version of you without the retro and it's scaring me
Player One: like he's got CD's from the 90's, but it's all old school FOB and MCR
Player One: save me pls

Michael sighed, the forced a smile on his face. "Hey, wanna go to this cool diner me and Jeremy found?"

"Oh, uh, sure. Sure, yeah." You talk about Jeremy so much. You two should be together, not us. Evan sighed, looking out the window. Why do the attractive, single ones have to be head over heels for their best friend?


"Jeremy!" Jeremy waved, and his date reluctantly waved back. Michael was too busy with Jeremy to notice the short glances his date and Jeremy's date gave each other. "Good to see you, dude! What are you getting?"

Chatter began at the boys table, and subconsciously the conversations split off after everyone had ordered.

Jeremy with Michael, and Evan with Connor.

"Do you two couples want to split the check?" A happy little waitress with a southern accent asked. She motioned to Connor and Evan, the Jeremy and Michael.

"Oh, uh, yeah, but I'm, uh, I'm with him," Evan pointed to Michael. "And, and he's with um, him." Evan said, pointing to Jeremy and Connor.

The waitress gave a slow nod of her head. "Right... well, uh, I'll bring that out to you guys!"

Once she walked away, Jeremy spoke. "I can't believe she thought we were dating!" Jeremy lightly punched Michael, giving everyone a weary smile.

"Well, it makes sense. I've been with Evan the whole time, and we all fucking know you two are head over heels for each other. It's like, stupidly obvious." Connor sipped his milkshake, pausing in his words. "But I mean, go off I guess."

"Wait, really?" Michael turned to a flustered Jeremy. "You... you like me?"

Jeremy didn't move for a few moments before giving a light nod of his head. "Holy shit dude. I've liked you since like, middle school!"

"Wait, really?" Jeremy asked. Watching the smile dance on Michaels face, he couldn't resist doing something he'd wanted do for a while.

Jeremy leaned in closer to Michael. "Can I...?"

Michael leaned all the way in, connecting their lips together with electric sparks. Michael pulled Jeremy closer, running a hand through his hair.

A cough interrupted them, and the same waitress with big glasses waved awkwardly. "I'm sorry, but your friends already paid, so uh, here's your check!" She placed it down, giving the two a knowing smirk. "And I always knew you two would end up together. Just don't tell Jenna, she'll flip when she knows I won our bet and I wanna see that."

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