Boyf Riends- Game Night

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Requested by Rarity37  :)

"Michael, for the last fucking time, stop using your stupid catch phrases." Jeremy glared at Michael from across the table, the other joining him.

"They aren't even real words!" Christine protested. "You can't like, find them in the dictionary."

"Looks like someone's not having a hella gnarly time, my dudes." Michael mumbled before being pelted with scrabble tiles. "Okay, okay, I surrender!"

Chloe threw another tile at him, just to be sure. "Whatever. Let's just play something else."

"Cards Against Humanity?" Jenna suggested.

"Better. Apples to Apples." The group cheered as Jeremy brought out the game, placing it gently in front of them. "And, and there's no way Michael can contaminate this with his stupid slang words."

"That aren't even real words!" Rich added just to spite Michael; everyone ignored his lisp.

"Whatever, punks."

"See? Right there? What does a 'punk' mean to you, huh?" Jake asked playfully, this discussion having already happened before.

"It, it mean someone who's a punk. Like you."

The group laughed as Jake rolled his eyes. "Whatever, geek. Let's just play Pears to Pears."

"Oh my god Jake. It's Apples to Apples." Brooke laughed as she gently pushed Jake, the group still laughing.

After a few more hours, one by one the group headed home, leaving only the boys for a sleepover.

"Alright guys, I'm gonna, uh, get ready for bed." Jeremy mumbled, stretching. "I'll make breakfast in the morning, so uh, yeah."

"Alright. Night Jere!" Michael kissed Jeremy on the lips before Jeremy headed to bed.

"Wait, are we actually gonna let him go to bed?  Now? It's only like, ten!" Rich whispered to the other boys. "Besides, first one to bed always get pranked!"

"Well, maybe we shouldn't, you know. Since he's making us breakfast?" Jake asked.

Michael shook his head. "As if! We are so gonna prank him. I have whip cream and a feather, so."

"Wait, why do you have those things on you?" Jake asked, concerned.

"Oh, I saved it for whoever fell asleep first."

Rich nodded his head like this was a reasonable thing to do. "Okay, uh, when do we prank him?"

"Well, uh, he falls asleep really fast, so like, now."

The boys awkwardly crawled up the stairs, trying to be as silent as possible.

"Okay guys," Rich said, his lisp prominent in his words. "Don't say a word."


"I said no words!" Rich protested.

"Oh, I'm sorry, is radical a word? Cuz earlier you said it wasn't so."

"Can we talk about this later? Please?" Jake mumbled as he opened Jeremy's door quietly.

The boys instantly shut up at the task at hand. Michael stepped up, shaking the whipped cream can in his hands. He inched closer to the bed, pouring a generous amount onto Jeremy's hand. The, he pulled out the feather and rubbed it against Jeremy's nose.

Jeremy twitched, and brought up his hand. But instead of reaching his face, Jeremy rubbed his hand all over Michaels jaw.

Michael screamed and jumped back, and Jeremy sat up in his bed, laughing. "Oh my god, did you think I would really go to bed now? Come on, I'm not a punk my dudes."

Michael stared in awe at his boyfriend before wiping away a fake tear. "I'm so proud of you."

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