Boyf Riends- GhostFacers

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Yo dudes what even is the Watty's? Like I entered pork into it, but what is it?

"There's used to be five of us. Now there's only me remaining." Jeremy mumbled into the cold, dark house. "I wonder when death will take me? I've been good. Why won't it come?"

"Stop being so fucking dramatic, Jeremy." Chloe rolled her eyes as she snatched the camera away from Jeremy. "Just because no ones given you attention for five minutes doesn't mean anyone's dead."

"Well, hopefully someone is dead!" Christine chimed in happily. "You know. Someone. Like, a ghost?"

"Christine..." Jenna trailed off, trying to make her voice more soothing. "There isn't... there isn't such thing as... ghosts. So don't be disappointed when we don't find anything, okay?"

Christine rolled her eyes, smirking. "Yeah, Okay. Sure. No such thing as ghosts." Christine's eyes widen and she pointed to a dark corner. "Then what's that?!"

Jenna jumped back, falling to the floor in fear while Christine laughed at her. "See? You're afraid, which means you do believe in them!"

"Okay, okay guys. Doesn't matter if we believe or not, what matters is that we get 'evidence' on camera. Got it?"

The group nodded at Chloe, and began to get to their places. Jeremy stood next to Christine, both staring into the camera excitedly.

"Hello mystery solvers! We're back with another spoopy house!"

"Christine, how are you always so preppy? Someone literally died in this house."

"Ah yes. Speaking of which, who died in this house?"

Jeremy pulled out his phone, looking at his notes. "It was a kid... like, our age. 17ish? He uh, he was, well, thought to be murdered in this house."

"Jeremy, tell them the creepier part! Tell them the creepier part!" Christine said, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Okay, okay!" Jeremy chuckled, turning back to the camera. "So... Michael was thought to be killed by my great grandfather. Apparently he wasn't caught, and no one was ever charged with murder. They calmed it was an 'accidental death'."

"Which is pretty fudged up if you know that all of the evidence pointed to him being killed, but since Michael wasn't white, no one was upset when he died or cared."

"Yeah. He was my great grandfathers best friend, and some people think they were something more, too. We don't know if my great grandfather actually did anything or not, but-"

"That's why we're here!" Christine said happily, cutting Jeremy off. "To discover the truth."

"And cut!" Jenna moved from behind the camera. "That's wild Jeremy. Is it true?"

"Yeah, actually. It is." He trailed off, pulling a picture out of his pocket. He showed the group, who gathered near. "See the white guy? That's my great grandpa. The guy next to him in the red is Michael."

"Woah. You look... you look just like him." Brooke said quietly.

"What uh, what was your great grandfathers name?" Christine asked. "So we don't have to keep saying great grandpa. Is kinda annoying."

"Oh, well uh, his name was Jeremy Heere too. I was named after him."

"Jesus, this story just keeps getting creepier." Jenna said, shivering.

"Perfect for ratings, if you ask me." Chloe flipped her hair back. "Now anyway, let's talk about the game plan."

Jeremy tried to focus on Chloe's words, but something red flashed out of the corner of his eye. He turned around, and was positive he saw someone.

Someone watching him.

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