Boyf Riends- Royalty AU pt3

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People rushed past Michael trying to get ready for the wedding, but all Michael would look at was Jeremy. He looked so flustered, but so happy as he was getting ready for the (his) wedding.

"Michael?" Michael jumped back, turning towards the voice. It was one of his bride's main helpers. "Are you staring at Jeremy again?" She leaned in closer so only he could hear. "People are gonna get suspicious before the wedding."

Michael pulled back, nodding. "You're right. Sorry, Brooke."

"No, it's okay, I'm just like, warning you." She leaned closer to Michael. "But between you and me, it's taken me everything not to look at how hot Chloe is in her dress."

Michael chuckled, before turning to an assistant. "Hey man, do you know like, when the wedding will start?"

"Yes sir. The wedding will start in an hour," the assistant looked at Michael in surprise. "And you need to get suited."

Michael glanced down, realizing he was still in his normal wear. "Oh shit, you right. Okay, thanks fam."

Michael passed by Jeremy as he headed to his changing room, becoming him to come.

"You ready?" Jeremy asked, trying to act normal.

"Fuck yeah I am. I just wish I could like, hold your hand or something."Jeremy chuckled, his face turning a soft pink.

They walked together the rest of the way in silence. Once they reached the door, Jeremy stopped Michael from opening it.

"Uh, do you... are you just marrying me so you don't have to marry Chloe?" Jeremy asked forcefully. "It's just that, like, I actually like you, but you're a prince and I'm a servant. It'll never work out." Jeremy looked sadly at the ground until Michael gently guided his head towards himself.

"Hey. I do want to marry you. And, second of all, we are also both guys. That's supposed to 'never work out'. We just have to prove them all wrong."

Michael glanced around, making sure no one was watching before leaning in and pecking Jeremy's cheek. "Now come on, we have to get suited."

"We?" Jeremy asked. "Uh, I won't be able to be suited. I'm a, I'm a servant."

"That may be true, but I'm a prince so I say that you can be suited." Jeremy chuckled, nodding his head.

"Okay, okay, your royal highness." Jeremy bowed, then came up smirking.

"I hate you sometimes." Michael said, smiling wide.

"Awe, I love you too."

"Do you, Michael Mell, take Chloe Valentine to be your wife?"

Michael hesitated. "No. No I don't."

The crowd gasped, and Michael could practically feel his dad have a heart attack.

"Chloe, you're a great friend, but like..." Michael trailed off.

"Yeah, I get it. You're gay, I'm gay. It's okay, Michael." Chloe winked at her main helper, pulling her to the front. "I'm in love with this lovely woman. Michael? What about you?"

"Oh, well, I feel the same way about this handsome gentleman." Michael pulled Jeremy up to the front, kissing him in front of the crowd of people.

Another gasp came, along with loud whispering and tasteful comments.

"Oh god." Jeremy whispered to the group as he watched the crowd. "We're fucked. We're fucked. We are absolutely-"

The chattering stopped completely as Michaels father stepped on stage. Michaels grip on Jeremy's hand tighten, and Michael tried to pull Jeremy somewhat behind him.

"Is this true?" The king asked, glancing between the four kids.

After a moment of hesitation, Michael calmly answered. "Yes. We are both gay, and we are in love with them, not each other."

Michael stood up taller, glaring daggers at his father as if warning him to not fight this.

"Huh." The king turned to the crowd, allowing Michael to breath. "People of my kingdom, and of the Valentine kingdom, please excuse a minor change in plans."

The group took a deep breath, waiting for their punishment.

"There will now be two weddings. One for Chloe and her fiancée, and Michael and his fiancé. Let the ceremony begin!"

The crowd cheered, and Michael and Jeremy happily danced around stage, smiling as they held onto each other tight.

And they lived happily ever after, together.

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