Boyf Riends- Surprises

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Yo homeslice, it's my birthday tomorrow so Idk if I'll post anything or not, just heads up!

Also, warning, this ends with a make-out session so like sorry my dudes

Jeremy Heere was a wonderful mess.

He was full of secrets; full of surprises.

And Michael Mell loved to discover them all.

Wither it be something random that Jeremy had been hiding from him, or something that even Jeremy didn't know. Michael loved them all.


1) He's actually a really good singer

"What's this?" Michael asked, picking up a piece of crumpled paper off the ground.

"Oh, uh, don't worry about it." Jeremy said, trying to get the paper out of Michaels hands.

"Oh my god. Wait, are you gonna be in Little Shop Of Horrors?" Michael asked, wonder in his voice. "Holy shit you are!"

"Shut up! It's not a big deal." Jeremy said, crossing his arms. "So like, you don't have to make fun of me."

"Make fun of you?" Michael asked. "For being the lead? What the hell? That's amazing!"

"No, no, uh." Jeremy stuttered out. "I was gonna invite you, but like, uh, it's... me. Singing. So probably not."

"Jeremy, literally if you just stood onstage and like, vomited into the audience I would give you a standing ovation."

"Okay, whatever." Jeremy said, rolling his eyes as if he didn't believe that Michael would still like him after this.

If anything, I loved him more.


2) He is secretly a god at video games, but he always makes sure to pick games where he can't really 'win' when he's with other people.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some snacks. Want anything?"

"Nah," Jeremy paused. "Actually Yeah. Can you get me like, literally whatever you get, but more?"

Michael chuckled. "Sure. I'll be back."

He went to go, but just as he got out the door he heard a familiar theme song playing. He turned quickly, studying the screen.

Sure enough, Jeremy was getting ready to play Rainbow Road.

Michael smirked to himself, ready to watch Jeremy struggle.

But he never got to.

Jeremy flew through the course as if he was just playing Wii. He never fell off the track, and came in first place by a long shot.

"Holy shit." Michael gently closed the door behind him, his thoughts running wild.

Anytime they'd played that game together, Jeremy seemed to be neck and neck with Michael. Now that I think about it, he always makes sure to be even with me. Michael put two and two together and realized what Jeremy had been doing.

"That hot son of a bitch." Michael said, smirking to himself.


3) Jeremy might pretend to hate it when someone touches his neck, but only I'm allowed to touch it.

This one was something even Jeremy didn't know at first. It had started off innocent enough, a simple kiss turning into something more when Jeremy started to run his fingers though Michaels hair.

Michael leaned into Jeremy's hand, his own drifting to Jeremy's hip. Michael leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Jeremy's neck before jerking back. "Sorry. You hate it when people touch your neck. Sorry." He started to kiss his face, but Jeremy pulled him back slightly.

"No, I uh," Jeremy's face heated up. "I like it when you touch my neck. So uh, you can touch me there."

"Touch-A touch-a touch-a touch me!"

"And you lost your privileges." Jeremy said, not getting up. "How dare you bring musicals into this. A sacred place."

"Oh fuck off." Michael mumbled, pressing sloppy lips onto Jeremy's soft lips.

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