Boyfs: Not Clickbate pt2

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The two guards led the boys out the back doors. Michael stood tall, confidence radiating off of him. Jeremy meekly followed, still feeling as if he shouldn't be here.

"Hey, it's okay. Nothing will happen, I promise. We just, we just have to round this one corner, and then the burger place is literally right-"

"Michael! Oh my god!" Michael instantly winced at the high pitch screams. He wearily glanced at the guards, before turning back to Jeremy. "Can you run?"

"I, uh, well, I mean technically-"

"Yeah, me too. Guess we'll die." Michael shrugged as the guards instantly protecting them from the swarm of teen girls.

"Michael! Oh my god I love you! Marry me!" Michael chuckled at the few words he managed to catch, trying to push himself in front of Jeremy to protect him.

"Hey ladies! Gents, and everyone in between. I'm about to go get dinner, would you guys mind if we did?"

The crowd screamed, something about signing stuff and marrying. Jeremy was overwhelmed by the crowd, but he tried to hide himself behind Michael.

"Who's that?" A girl asked, jealously clear in her voice. "Why's he with you?"

"Because I invited him. He's none of your concern, don't worry." Michael winked for the effect, but he didn't get the result he wanted.

The girl leaned in, trying to make herself more provocative. "You know, I could do you so much better than him."

"Thank you ladies, that's enough." One of Michaels guards stepped forward shooing the crowd away.

"Jesus Christ."  Jeremy mumbled as the crowd dispersed. "That's, that's a lot of people."

"Yeah, I know. I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Jeremy asked as Michael slowly grabbed his hand.

"For forcing that on you. Crowds are sucky, and adding fan girls to the mix makes it twenty times worse."

Jeremy chuckled as the continued to walk to the burger place. One guard went in front of the group, coming back quickly. "Sir, it might be better if you go to your trailer. We can bring you food, if you still want burgers."

"Uh," Michael glanced at Jeremy, earning a small nod. "Okay, yeah. Let's do that." One guard walked with the boys as the other went to get their order.

"Here, just uh, put in your order on here, and he'll get it for us." Jeremy thanked him, putting in both of their orders. They finally reached the trailer, and Michael stopped Jeremy. "Just uh, small warning, I'm kind of a huge geek."

"Dude, can't be worse than me." Jeremy shrugged as he opened the doors. "Oh. Okay, being rich definitely helps your cause."

The guard waved them in, standing outside the door incase anyone tried to get in.

Michael laughed, helping Jeremy inside so he could look around. "This dude is my home away from home. I spend most of my time here, so why not deck it out, you know?"

Jeremy stood in awe at his video game collection. "Oh my god. You have Apocalypse of the Damned?"

"Yeah, but I mean, it's a two player game and most of the adults don't want to play with me."

"I'll play. I'll be your player one, babe." Jeremy winked, causing Michael to burst out laughing.

"You look so uncomfortable when you wink! Oh my god, after we play, I'm forcing you to have a winking class because holy fuck that was bad."

Jeremy laughed, smiling as they sat down to play.

"Wow! This is so much easier with someone who knows how to play video games." Jeremy smiled, glancing over at Michael.

He studied his face, still not believing he was sitting next to the Michael Mell.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked, pausing the game. "Or were you just checking me out?"

"I, uh, no, what? No way." Jeremy awkwardly coughed.

Michael chuckled quietly, glancing at Jeremy's lips. "I uh... I mean, it's... all good."

Jeremy smiled, leaning in closely to Michael. Michael followed soon, dropping his controller as the two leaned in, lips hovering close to each other. They could feel each other's breaths on their own, and they closed their eyes.

The quickly opened their eyes as the doors swung open, and one of Michaels guards stepped in, holding bags of burgers.

"Michael? Am I interrupting something?"

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