Kleinsen-ish- IIAP pt2

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Warning: Abuse


Evan instantly perked up his head, waiting for whatever Jared had to say. "Yes?"

"Did you say anything... bad about me to our friends?" Jared asked, with a hint of edge in his fake sweet voice.

"Uh, no? No, I would, I would never-"

"Then why did I get reported to the counselor for 'abuse'?" Jared questioned. "Don't I love you, Evvie?"

"Well, I-"

"Answer me, fuck head." Jared said, gritting his teeth together.

"Yes! Yes you do. You do. I'm sorry."

"Good boy." Jared smirked. "Now give me your phone, Evan."


"Now." Not wanting to upset Jared more, Evan instantly handed his phone over.

"Alright, let's see who you're cheating on me with."

"No one." Evan said meekly. "I wouldn't."

"Sure." Jared said nonchalantly. "Sure."


"Okay guys, now I'm like, super worried. He hasn't answered my texts or anything, and-"

Michaels phone went off with a loud ding, and he instantly went to answer it. He stared at the phone for a moment.

"What?" Connor asked. "Was it Evan?"

"What'd he say?"

"Uh, well, from what I'm getting... I think Jared took his phone. 'Evan'," He said, making finger quotation marks. "Said 'Don't text me, I'm busy with my SWEET, capital SWEET boyfriend'. So uh, yeah, probably not Evan."

"Yep." Jeremy said, instantly agreeing with his boyfriend.

"Yeah, Evan wouldn't say that. Like, one time he apologized for not using enough exclamation marks, and I had to... I had to... what did I do?" Christine trailed off, thinking out loud.

"So what are we gonna do?" Jeremy asked quietly, worry eating him. "We've already talked to the adults. Now what?"

Christine thought for a moment. "Oh! Well, uh, we could have a divine intervention."

"It's not, it's not called, whatever," Connor sighed, turning back to the rest of the group. "Okay, let's do that. An intervention for Evan."

"Are we like... Sure it'll work though?" Zoe asked carefully. "Because like, we don't want Jared to get... I don't know, pissed and, and do something to Evan. How are we gonna, first of all, separate them long enough to talk to Evan, then second of all protect Evan long enough for them to break up and then protect Evan afterwards."

"Wait, why afterwards?"

"Jere, I feel like Jared's gonna have some backlash." Michael started. "So... Yeah. He can stay at my house, or I can sleepover at the Hansen/Heere house."

"Alright, works for me." Alana shrugged. She quickly took out a piece of paper and a pen from her bag. "So, here's what I was thinking for the game plan..."


"Jared! Hey, so you're like, a god at physics, right?"

Jared chuckled. "Well I sure hope so."

"Okay, okay, could you possibly help me with this one problem? I'm sorry, it's just like, my teacher sucks, and I-" Christine rambled, putting her ADD to use.

"Nah, it's all good." Jared dragged Evan to a table where they could all sit before taking Christine's paper to look at the problem. "Okay, so like, first of all, you have to-"

"Evan!" Jeremy ran over to the table, holding his phone frantically. "Dude, I'm sorry, but mom needs to talk to you. Now."

Evan glanced over at Jared worriedly. "I need to... it's my mom, I have to-"

Jared shooed him away, focusing on the problem again. "Okay, so as I was saying..."

"What does mom, uh, what does mom need?" Evan asked anxiously. "Am I in, in trouble? I took, I uh, I took my medicine, but not too, not too much. I don't think. Oh fuck."

"Evan, chill, it's okay. Moms not mad at you."

"Wait, she's uh, she's not?" Evan stopped in the hallway, confused. "But, But you said-"

"Yeah, It was just so that we could get you away from Jared. He treats you like shit and you're been like, so depressed and anxious for too long, man. A boyfriend or girlfriend is supposed to make you happy, not... scared and doubtful of yourself."

Evan looked away, embarrassment clear on his face.

"Hey, it's okay. We want to help you. I want to help you. We just... we just want Evan Hansen back, Okay?"

"What... what can I even do?" Evan asked softly. "I don't want Jared to get angry..."

"You'll have a full team supporting you." Jeremy typed something onto his phone, and within a minute their friends were all there.

"Oh. Oh god."

"Evan, breath. It's okay. But you're gonna have to break up with that little piece of sh-"

"Michael-" Jeremy said warningly.

"Sorry. But seriously, we will all be there to support you, man. So come on, I don't think Christine can focus on a physics problem from more than five minutes."

Jeremy took Evans hand, leaning him through the hallway and back towards the cafeteria. "You ready?"

Evan took a breath, forcing a smile onto his face. "Ready as I'll ever be."

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