Kleinsen- The Devil and the Angel pt2

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Warning, I'm so freaking tired so honestly I have no idea what I'm writing

Sorry XD

"Are you sure this will work?" Connor asked, fixing his trench coat.

"Yeah, duh. Do you think this isn't my first rodeo?" Jared asked, hiding inside the coat pocket. "Now smile and pretend to be happy. They eat that up at the front desk."

Connor put on his best smile, walking up to the front desk lady. "Hello! I was wondering if I could get in really quick? I would like to have tea with Mr.Squip!"

"What the fuck. Is this what you sound like when you're happy? This is depressing. You sound drugged out." Connor ignored Jared, smiling still at the lady.

She took in his trench coat, and the awkward smile on his face as he leaned uncontrollably on the counter.

"Of course! He should be back very shortly. Take the door on your left, and three down there should be a waiting room. Thank you for coming!"

Connor waved to the lady as he raced through the doors. As soon as he didn't see anyone, he let Jared out of his coat. "Did you know you're extremely hot?" Connor asked, fanning himself.

"Yeah. I know I'm attractive, duh."

Connor rolled his eyes. "You're also cocky."

"Okay, so like I may have lied to you earlier." Jared said, ignoring Connor. "I had no fucking idea that that would work. I was actually planning a plan B because I was positive it wouldn't work."

"Wait, Seriously?" Connor whisper yelled. "I could have died!"

"Nah, probably not." Jared looked around the halls. "God, this building is giving off angel energy in waves!" Jared paused, whispering to himself. "But I couldn't feel it outside the building. Oh fuck."

"So what's the plan?" Connor asked.

"The plan, is to free all the angels, mostly Evan, and then leave this fucking crackhead house."

"Awe, that's what you think of my house?" Connor and Jared screamed as they were immediately trapped by guards. They put Jared into a cage, and tied Connor up. "That's not a very polite thing to say, especially after I allowed you two into my house."

One of the guards started taking Jared away, but he was stopped. "Don't take him away. I need him close so I can work my magic on the boy."

"Can't you take him away?" Connor whispered into the Squips ear. "I don't want him to know that I'm on your side, not his."

"Guards, move him to the side." The guard moved him as far away as he could without moving him out of the room to disconnect Jared and Connors tither.

The man wrapped an arm around Connor, who winced at the cold arm. "Now, kid, what's your name?" He asked with a smirk on his glitchy face.


"Well connor, how would you like to be my assistant?"

Connors eyes lit up. "Wait, really? Will I get paid?"

"Of course. Whatever you want, we will provide for you. We can make your life better." Connor felt the ropes around him loosen, dropping to the floor. "If you're going to be my assistant, you won't need those."

Connor looking into the computer-mans eyes. "Thank you so much. I'd be happy to work here."

"Perfect! Then we can-" the Squip was cut off by a fist to his face.

Connor grabbed Jared's cage, running out the door. He could hear the guards following close behind. "Jared, which way?"

"Left! Go go go!" Connor follows Jared's instructions, turn left, turn right, then left again, and finally stopping in front of a door.

"Go inside! Quick!"

Connor quickly slammed the door behind him, panting as he tried to catch his breath. He heard the guards race past the door, thinking Connor was still running.

"Hold on Jared, I think, I think there's a light switch." Connor hit the wall several times before light finally shone through the room. "Can you like, free me from my cage, Con?" Jared asked, forcing Connor to look down.

"Oh yeah, sorry man." Connor opened the small door handle, the finally looked up.

Connor let out a loud gasp as white filled his vision.

Hundreds of cages filled with thousands of angels.

"Evan!" Jared yelled, running to one of the cages. He pulled Evan closer to the edge, kissing him passionately, and holding him tight. "I miss you so much, sweetheart." Jared said in a soft, caring voice. "Connor, get them out of here!" Jared yelled loudly and harshly.

"Trying!" Connor looked at the panel, before deciding that the glowing blue button was his best option. He pressed it, and almost cried when the angels cages opened.

"Evan! Holy shit baby, did they hurt you?" Jared asked, flying around his favorite angel.

"No! No, I'm, I'm fine. Are you, are you and, and Connor Okay?" Evan asked, forcing Evan to stop by holding him.

"We're fine. Well, we will be." Jared turned back to Connor, pulling Evan behind him. "Con, we need to get out of here. Us, and the other angels."

"On it." Connor looked at the panel, distracted by the thousands of flying creatures swarming around his head.

"Oh, Connor? I'm sorry to bother you." Connor looked up at the small angel. "Hi, I'm Alana. I'm, uh, I'm pretty sure the sky door is this button right here." She said, landing softly on a bright green button.

"Oh! Uh, thanks." Connor pressed it, and sure enough the sky roof opened up, allowing the angels to fly home.

"Finally! Now come on Connor, we need to get you and Evan home." Jared yelled, as he spun Evan around.

"Wait, boys." Jared and Evan froze as they heard the familiar voice. They bowed their heads at the woman.

Connor perked up, looking at the woman in gray. "Hello Connor Murphy! You can call me Christine. I'm in charge of these little angels and devils to make sure everything goes to plan. Thank you for participating in our academic and physical course. You will make an excellent angel protector."

"Wait, what?" Connor asked, looking at Jared and Evan, who didn't look back.

"Your angel and devil believe that you have amazing potential. Don't look so shocked, you're an amazing protector." She looked at her clipboard, studying her notes. "So, do you want to join us?"

"Do you get to keep your angel and devil?" Connor asked, standing his ground.

"No. You protect them all. Not just yours."

"Then I don't want to be... whatever that is. I'd rather have Evan and Jared by my side."

"Oh." She said, writing something down. "Then I'm sorry, Connor. We have to wipe your memory."

"Wait, what?" Connor asked, but it was too late. His world went black as he slumped into a guards arms.


"Will he be okay?" Evan asked as they watched Connors chest rise and fall.

"I fucking hope so." When Jared saw how stressed Evan looked, he grabbed his hand. "Hey, it'll all be okay. And at least we get to still keep him!"

"I know." Evan sighed. "But he has so much potential, and I just! Ugh. I don't know. I want the best for him."

"And he wants this. He wants us." Jared pulled Evan into his lap, peppering Evans face with kisses as Evan angelically laughed. "And I want you."

"You're ridiculous, Jared."

"Awe, I love you too." Jared said, pulling Evan close. "Oh hey, I need to fill you in on everything that we did while you were gone. Well, first we went to the moon, then we..."

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