Tree Bros- Agent Hansen

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Evan walked the empty hallway with his boyfriend. Their hands were intertwined, and Evan chuckled at Connors comment. "Well, you, you have to think about like, the consequences! Like, time travel is weird. What if you get stuck? Or die in a different time?" Evan asked.

"I think you're ignoring the fact that I want death."

Evan laughed again as Connor flashed him a wide smile.

Evan stopped abruptly, glancing around the empty school hallway.

"What?" Connor asked, looking around as well.

Evan didn't say anything as he pulled Connor into an empty classroom, locking the door behind him.

"Evan? What's the problem?" Connor asked.

"Keep quiet. I'll explain in a moment." Evan mumbled as he began rummaging around in the teachers desk. He picked something up, then walked back over to the door. He glanced back at Connor, making sure he was okay before unlocking the door.

"Evan? What the fuck are you doing?"

Evan shushed him before heading out into the hallway. Connor tried to step out as well, but Evan pushed him back. Evan made a motion, telling Connor to stay put.

Connor threw his arms in the air, backing away from the door slowly.

He sat down on a desk, watching as Evan made his way into the hallway. He listened, and he could hear someone getting beaten to a pulp. Just as he was about to go help his boyfriend, Evan came back into the room. Evan locked the door behind him, and threw the book he'd found onto the floor; now stained with the blood of the men outside.

"Evan." Evan perked his head up, realizing he'd have to finally come clean to Connor. "Evan, what the actual fuck."

"I, uh I'm sorry. I should have told you earlier. So that, if you didn't want to deal with this," Evan motioned to the locked door. "You uh, you're kinda in danger because of who I am. But, I... I wanted to keep you safe. On my own. I should have called Jared..." Evan trailed off, glancing at his wrist. "Flag Jared down. Tell him it's a code yellow, and send my location once he's unlocked the code."

Connor looked around, wondering who Evan was talking to. He pointed to himself, asking Evan if he was talking to him.

"Oh, no, not you. I was, I was talking to my communicator. So." Evan lifted up his arm, showing off his watch. "Uh, basically I'm a spy, and those people out there want to kill me and Jared since we fight for the 'wrong team'. Not uh, brag or anything, but we are kinda the top in our level, so they want us the most." Evan smiled to himself as he checked the windows and under the desks. Connor didn't catch Evans quick glances at his watch, waiting for the warning.

"You... you don't strike me as a spy." Connor mumbled, still in shock.

"That's what makes me so good! No one thinks that I would, that I would be able to do these things, so."

The boys heads snapped to the ceiling as they heard a piece of metal fall to the floor.

Men started jumping out of the ceiling, and Evan jumped in front of Connor. He grabbed the book, holding it in front of himself defensively.

"So, uh, there's like, five guys surrounding us. Uh, what are we supposed to do?"

"Actually, it's more like eight."

"Oh my god, I'm sorry I wasn't specific enough." Connor sassed back, backing up into the classroom wall.

"Anymore questions?" Evan sassed as he stood in front of Connor.

"What's our exit strategy?"

"Our what?"

"Oh my god, we're gonna die. Great."

Evan chuckled to himself as he wiped out two guys at the same time with the thick book. He hit the second one who tried to come up. He kicked the first on in the head, pushing him onto a desk.

He picked up one of the chairs, slamming the chair against two other men, throwing them back. He threw the chair, hitting them both perfectly in the head.

He grabbed the book again as one more stepped forward. Just as Evan was about to strike him, he fell forward. Evan stepped back, smiling.

"God. It, it, took you long enough."

Jared rolled his eyes, kicking one guy in the groin. He dodged a hit, holding back the guys arm and twisting it in a way that should't be possible.

"Well I'm sorry I can't remember your favorite 80's movie at the top of my head." Jared gave Evan a cheesy smile, which Evan returned.

Jared and Evan turned back when they heard a muffled scream. Connors mouth was covered, and a knife was pressed against his throat.

"Move, and he gets it."

Evan analyzed the room, his eyes focusing on the bookshelf next to the man. "Okay, but jokes on you. He wants to die." He threw his book to the exact edge, toppling the case onto the man. Jared managed to grab Connor quickly, and grabbed the knife from the crushed man.

"Well, that was fun, Hansen. Should we blast?" Jared asked.

"Duh." Evan nodded towards Connor. "Come on, you'll be safer with us then here."

"And I'm sure you have more questions, so the agency can help you with that. Come on nerds, my cars just outside the window."

As the boys climbed out the window, Connor realized something horrible.

The logo on the car couldn't be real.

But... if it was real...

Then Connors father was in charge of the men who had just attacked them.

Connors father was the opposing agency.

But that can't be. Connor thought. Dad's people have different outfits.

Maybe they got a wardrobe change?

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