Tree Bros- Coffee Shop Writer

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Requested by @weirdmultishippers
FYI I changed it up because I was confused, sorry if this isn't what you wanted!

She bit her lip, glancing away. "Please don't leave. Please? I... I need you now."

Hermione grabbed her silky, purple hands. "You know I don't have a choice. I don't want to leave you... but I need to

Evan paused, biting his own lip. What did she need to do? Did Hermione need to go home and see her family? Her friends?

"Excuse me? Uh, sorry, but can I sit next to you? Sorry, there just uh, isn't anywhere else to sit." Evan glanced up at the man who'd grabbed his attention, his mouth instantly snapping shut.

Before him stood a man about his age, with long dark hair in a bun on his head and wearing a grundge look that worked well on his lanky body. In his hand he held a latte and a book, and he had a sympathetic look on his face.

"Oh! Uh, yeah, sure." Evan moved some of his stuff so the man could sit with him. "I'm uh, Evan Hansen."

Evan held out his hand, but was only met with a blank stare. He awkwardly chuckled and retreated his hand.

"You're... Evan Hansen?"

"Uh, yes? I hope so. And uh, you are?" Evan asked, his face flushing at the awkwardness.

"Connor. Murphy. Holy shit. Sorry, I'm just, uh, I'm a huge fan of your work, sir."

Only then did he realize that the boy was holding the newest book he'd published, and his blush turned into a grin. "Oh!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, you're just... wow."

Evan laughed, pointing to his laptop. "Well uh, how'd you feel about helping me write my newest story? Normally I have one of my friends bounce ideas off of me, but Jared, he's uh, he's on friend vacation."

"Friend vacation?"

"I think it's his nice way of saying that he doesn't want to talk to me for a while. Which, is uh, it's understandable."

"Well, I'd be more than happy to help you, sir."

"You don't, you really don't have to call me sir. It sounds too... formal. Just, Evan is just fine."

"Okay Evan, so what are you working on?"

"Well, it's about this girl..."


"Holy shit, it's been that long?"

"I'm so sorry, you must, you must be late to like, meet your friends or your girlfriend or-"

"Well don't get to carried away there, pal. First, in gay, second, what friends? Third, the only problem we have is the coffee shop closing soon." Connor grabbed a note pad and a piece of paper, writing down his number and handing it to Evan. "Here's my number if you ever want more help. With writing."

"Writing. Right. So uh, would you maybe..." Evan trailed off, grabbing his laptop. "Would you ever want to like, grab coffee? Not to write. Just to... hang out."

"Like a date?" Connor asked smugly.

"Maybe? Uh, if you, only if you want to."

"Sounds like a date to me, Hansen. I'll see you there." Connor winked, leaving a stuttering Evan in his trails.

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