Tree Bros- Teacher AU

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The teacher AU no one asked for bc why not

"Mr.Hansen? Who are those flowers for?"

Evan turned to look at where his student, Christine, was pointing, before nervously turning back. "Why? Is it, is it not good? I knew I should have just stuck with the Daturas. God."

"No, sir! It looks good!" The class quickly rushed to assure him.

"I was just wondering, sir."

"Is it for Mr.Murphy?" One of the girls, Jenna, asked. "Because I totally ship it."

"Ship, ship it?" Evan asked, a light blush on his face as he leaned on his desk.

"Ship it! It's a term that's like... well, okay. Who's your favorite couple?" Another girl, Brooke, asked.

"Um, I, I really like Pam and, and Jim?"

"Okay!" Christine said excitedly. "Then you ship it! A ship is short for relationship. So when you ship someone, you want them to be in a relationship or keep being in one!"

"Oh." Evans face blushed dark pink. "I uh, thank you ladies."

"You didn't answer our question." Jenna asked, smirking. "Is it for Mr.Murphy?"

"Um, yes? Yes it is. But it's for his sister! He's giving it to his sister. For her birthday." Evan rushed out, turning back to the board.

"Now, students, it's time you learned about filler flowers. Trust me, you'll need to know these for the test." Evan mumbled, awkwardly avoiding anymore talk of the flowers.


"Yes Christine?" Connor asked back, giving his favorite student a small smirk. "What? Your Tart not filling up correctly again?"

"No, it's fine, but I have a question. Do you like Mr.Hansen?"

Connor kept a straight face, a light blush coming to his face. "What?"

"I said, do you like Mr.Hansen? Because everyone here wants to know, but they're to scared to ask. Oh! And we are pretty sure that that he likes you."

"Oh yeah?" Connor asked, leaning against one of the cupboards. "How do you know?"

"Is your sisters birthday coming up?"

"Uh... maybe? I don't know, why?"

"Ah ha! See guys? He does like Mr.Murphy!"

"What are you talking about?" Connor asked, frustrated by the sudden high pitch screaming.

"He's-" Jenna quickly shut a hand over Christine's mouth, whispering something in her ear. Christine nodded, and Jenna removed her hand.

"I can't tell you, sir. But you'll know."

"Oh?" Connor asked, a playful smirk on his face. "I bet. Now get back to your tarts, guys."

"Come on, it's gonna happen soon!" Jenna whispered, peeking around the corner. "I can feel it!"

"This is so exciting!" Christine mumbled, shaking with excitement.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? Should we get Chloe?"

"No, and no. But they are the schools OTP, and Chloe would just run into the room and scare them somehow. Now shush, I think he's-" She quickly stopped talking when she saw Mr.Hansen walk out of his classroom to meet Mr.Murphy halfway. They shared a kiss, and handed each other a small gift.

Jenna let out a small squeak, and the two men quickly glanced in their direction. "Run!" Jenna whisper yelled as the girls sprinted down the hall, giggling the whole way to Jenna's car.

"Oh my god oh my god you guys-"

"I know, Holy fu-"

"I can't breath I'm so happy-"

"Jenna, did you get a picture?"

Color drained from Jenna's face as she realized she didn't. "Fuck! Now no one will believe us!"

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