Boyf Riends- Patches

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Most people don't know, but every patch Michael has, has a secret meaning. It all started when Michael made a comment about how he didn't like how boring his hoodie was, so Jeremy got him his first patch. Jeremy since has picked out all of patches for Michael since 7th grade, each one for a different memory they have together.

Philippines flag (summer of 7th grade)

The patch to start it all. Michael went off to his hometown for a few weeks in the summer and Jeremy was bored out of his mind. So bored, that he had been willing to go to the craft store with him mom. His mom gave him some money and told him to pick out whenever he wanted. Bored already, he stumbled around the store until he wondered into the patch section. His eyes wondered around until he spotted it. A Philippines flag! 'That would be perfect for Michael!' He had thought.

When Michael had come back, he was so happy that Jeremy had thought of him. He instantly put the patch on his arm, so everyone could see it. 

Rise Against Racism (8th grade)

Jeremy hadn't ever thought about Michael being a different skin color. He didn't care, why would he? It wasn't 1920 or something! Jeremy had though that people would be over it by now, but he was wrong. He still remembers walking into class in 8th grade, earlier than he normally would because his dad took him to school. He saw Michael being called rude, horrible, ugly things, and Michael just smiled. He didn't yell, get upset, or frankly do anything. He just put in his headphones and nodded along.

Jeremy was shocked. He didn't know that people would ever say those things! So that nigh he looked everyone where until he found the patch he needed. When gifted with it, Michael cried, hugging Jeremy and thanking him over and over agin.

Gay Pride Flag (9th grade)

Michael had been ignoring Jeremy for the past few weeks, and Jeremy was going to find out why. Michael would keep brushing him off, or change the topic until Jeremy had had enough.
"Look man, I just want to help you! Why would you tell me the truth?"

"Because I don't want you to leave me! There I said it. Are you happy? I'm afraid that you won't be friends with me if I tell you the truth."

"... Michael you know that you can tell me anything right? I won't stop being your friend. Ever."

That was the day that Michael came out to Jeremy. Michael received the patch a few days later.

Pac Man (10th grade)

Michael had apparently found a 'really good tattoo artist that won't ask for much cash and doesn't care how old you are'. The tattoo artist would later reveal to be his older, cooler brother. (Before he was squipt of course) Michael was super excited and wanted both of them to, and I quote, "Get pac man tattoos so we have a pac't to stay by each other's side!" Jeremy agreed. Jeremy's dad wouldn't say anything anyway. And again, a few days later, Michael received a Pac Man patch.

Mountain Dew Bottle (11th grade)

Who can truly forget the year that Jeremy almost destroyed all of humanity? But that wasn't the only reason why this patch was important.

Sure, Jeremy knew that he kinda like Michael, but he has thought it was just a friendship thing. But after Michael saved his ass and was still friends with him, even after he called him a loser and blocked him out; Jeremy realized he actually didn't like Christine. He loved Michael. Jeremy was also sure that Michael loved him back. And this year, he would tell him. If he ever got the confidence...

Video Game Heart (11th grade)

Jeremy had waited for the perfect time to tell Michael. He had gotten all of his favorite snacks, all of his favorite games, a new patch (if it actually worked out!) and invited him over to play video games. Jeremy had rehearsed exactly what he was going to say to Michael so many times the past few weeks that he could say it in his sleep.

Jeremy was, to say the least, super nervous, but he was going to talk to Michael about his feelings.

When Michael came over, Jeremy confessed his feelings (with a lot more stuttering than planned), and Michael, thankfully, felt the same way too.

NASA Spaceship (11th grade)

The boys first date was to NASA. Nothing really romantic, but that's what Michael really wanted to do, and Jeremy couldn't say no to his face. This was easily Jeremy's favorite date, because even though Michael paid little attention to Jeremy, his eyes were glowing looking at all of the space equipment and listening to all of the stories. Jeremy followed Michael around all day, holding whatever Michael wanted, and even bought a NASA patch for his hoodie.

As long as Michael was happy, Jeremy would always be happy too.

Player 1 (end of 12th grade)

Even though he didn't show it, Jeremy knew that Michael was super nervous about college. Even though they both knew that they'll be cool, Michael was scared that Jeremy would ditch him again, making him go threw college solo. Upon realizing this, Jeremy made it his goal to make sure Michael knew he wouldn't leave him, and even got him a 'Player 1' patch so Michael would always know that it's a two player game.

Present time

Jeremy looked at the patch in his hand. He's found hundreds of ring patches, but this one had to be the best. It was the ring you got when you completed Apocalypse of the Damned, with a red and blue lining on the outside. He knew that Michael would love it. Jeremy then took out a velvet box, with the same ring inside. He let out a shaky breath and prepared for what he was about to do.

The front door swung open. "Honey I'm home!" Michael yelled out sarcastically. "... Jeremy?" He called out again. Michael then reached for the baseball bat they always keep by the door, and headed to their bedroom. Upon opening the door, he saw Jeremy on both knees. A ring box in one hand, a patch in the other. Michael dropped the baseball bat.

"Michael," Jeremy started out, "will you do the honors of being my Player One for...forever?"

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