Boyf Riends- Red String pt3

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Jeremy laid on his bed, waiting for the text saying he could finally follow the string.

Michael had been planning something for him, and he had no idea what it was.

Jeremy kept trying to tell Michael that the hoodie was enough, but Mikey wouldn't take no for an answer.

So now here he was, just waiting for the text.




Finally, Jeremy's phone went off, and thankfully it wasn't Pizza Hut this time.

Mikey🎮-Alright birthday boy, you can follow the string now❤️

Jeremy quickly got up and rushed out of his room, making sure to grab his hoodie.

Jeremy opened the front door, only to be greeted by Christine.

"Christine? What are you...?"

"I'm here to help you along the way! And also, to give you this!" She reached into her pocket, pulling out a circular patch.

Upon closer inspection, Jeremy realized it was a Pac-Man patch, the same one Michael had. He turned it over, and on the back, Michael had written him a note.

Hey Jere-bear!
Along the way to your surprise, I've collected patches for your hoodie so it isn't bare. This one is because of the tattoos we got, even though you were scared your soulmate wouldn't like it.
(I do love it btw)

"Awe!" Christine read over Jeremy's shoulder. "He's so sweet! Now come on, we've gotta go!"

Jeremy nodded and quickly looked down, following the red string in front of him, with Christine close behind.

"Hey dude!" Rich yelled, causing Jeremy to look up in shock. Jake stood by Rich, holding Rich's hand.

"Rich? Jake ?What are you-?"

"I'm here to escort you to your party of course!" Rich said, his lisp clear as he spoke. "And, give you your second patch!"

Jake pulled out a circular patch, handing it to Jeremy.

On the front, was an image of Jeremy's backpack with the words, "Boyf" on it.

Hey again!
So your probably wondering how I found this one... let's just say I know a guy at Spencer's.
Anyway, this one is to represent our connection, and the connective bond we have. (Also I got one to match!)

Jeremy chuckled before slipping the note in his pocket. He quickly turned and followed the string once more.

"Someones eager!" Christine laughed as the three tried to catch up with Jeremy.

Eventually Jeremy saw Brooke and Chloe, who were holding a patch and a note.

Brooke smiled as she handed him the note. "Your boyfriend is so cute!"

Chloe nodded. "I totes ship it."

Jeremy blushed before reading the note.

Me again!
Don't worry, you're super close. You only have like... two other people.
No, back on track, this patch is because you will always be my Player One, even if we weren't soulmates.
(But luckily we are!)

Jeremy looked at the patch. It was a game controller patch, with the words 'Player One' on it.

Jeremy smiled before Chloe pushed him forward. "No, follow that string, slow poke!"

Laughing, they all raced to the next spot, where Jenna was waiting for them, bouncing on her toes.

"Thank god you're here! I don't know how much long I can keep this up!"

"Shush! This is his surprise, don't spoil anything. Got it, Jenna?" Chloe placed an finger to her mouth, making sure Jenna got the message.

Jenna handed Jeremy the note held onto the patch, telling him to read the note first.

You're so close! I promise!
This last one is special for two reasons. One will be obvious once you see it, and the other is a hint to what's about the happen.

Jeremy looked up, confused. Jenna reached into her pocket and pulled out a square patch, hanging it to Jeremy.

It was an Apocalypse of the Damned patch! Complete with their favorite level, the Cafetorium!

He understood how it related to them, but how did it relate to the surprise?

"Come on! Let's go!" Jenna grabbed Jeremy wrist, racing forward with him.

Eventually, all of them panting, reached Michael's front door.

"Open it!" Christine smiled. "It's for you!"

Jeremy slowly opened the front door, and turned on the lights, gasping at the sight on front of him.

Michael had turned his house into a giant replication of The Cafetorium!

Michael stepped out of the shadows.

"Surprise?" He chuckled nervously. "Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding? Michael, this is amazing!" Jeremy ran around for a bit, checking out everything. Michael had placed everything perfectly! The tables, the blood (ketchup of course), and the snacks were all here! The only thing it was missing were zombies.

"This is the best gift I've ever gotten." Jeremy looked at Michael with tears in his eyes. "Thank you so much."

"Wait, I haven't given you your final patch!" Michael took a patch from his hoodie pocket, handing it to Jeremy.

It was a white patch, with the words 'Soulmate' etched on red, complete with a red bow in the middle.

"I got it a while ago, but I wasn't completely sure we'd be soulmates..." Michael scratched his head nervously. "But since we are, I though it would be cute?"

Before he could rant anymore, Jeremy cut him off with a quick peck on the lips, not daring to go further in front of his friends.

"It's perfect."

Jeremy turned back to all of his friends.

"Who's ready for my sweet 16 party?" Everyone laughed before grabbing food and dancing.

"Hey," Jeremy whispered into Michael's ear, "Maybe later I can give you a better thank you." He smugly turned away, and began to talk to rich.

Michael's whole face was red, but he still smiled brightly. The no sleeping for a few days was definitely worth it.

And it's done! Thank you guys for reading this!

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