Connor X Evan- Punk & Pastels

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I have a whole other one shot book out now, so go check it out!

Connor leaned down and kissed his boyfriends curls, messing up Evans baby blue flower crown. Evan made a mumble in annoyance as he fixed it again,his face turning red. Connor just chuckled at his adorable boyfriend.

"Alright I'll see you in class, Prince. You sure you'll be okay?" Connor asked, readjusting his leather jacket to make himself seem cooler.

"Y-yeah, I'll be, I'll be fine. Don't, don't worry about me." Evan gave Connor a quick peck on the cheek, before hurrying down the hallway so Connor wouldn't see his blushing face.

Connor just smirked and turned away, walking to his class. He was almost at the door when he heard a loud thud, followed by laughter.

Turning around quickly, his fears were met with reality. Evan was on the floor, his flower crown in Rich's hand. Evan looked like he was about to cry.

"Aww look, it's the little Flower Prince! Are you gonna cry? Are you?" Rich chuckled, his eyes dark in anger.

"Hey,where's your boy toy, Evan? Did he finally leave you like the piece of garbage you are?" Rich taunted, twirling around Evans flower crown in his hands. "I mean, I would have left you a long time ago."

"Hey! Get away from him!" Connor growled, pushed through the growing crowd of people.

"Awe, looks like your boyfriend showed up to ruin all of our fun." Rich mumbled, planning his hands on his hips. "Nice to see you, Emo god. Where did you get your outfit? Off a dead Hot Topic employee?" Rich laughed at his pathetic attempt at cruel insults.

"Wow, great insults. I'm sure your mother must be very proud of you. Now if you'll excuse me," Connor turned towards Evan,"Ev darling, are you alright?"

Evan got up slowly, nodding his head. He tried to make himself smaller at the growing attention he was receiving.

"Good." Connor pulled Evan to his side, in a protective stance. "Now, may I please see my boyfriend's flower crown that you have mistakenly taken?" Connor asked, death clear in his tone.

Without waiting for a response, the punk leaned forward and snatched the flower crown from Rich's hand, placing it on Evan's head. The punk then turned, and guided Evan back to his classroom. The people around them parted, not daring to go near the punk and his pastel.

"Hey Connor, maybe you should go back to the cult where you came from. Or did they disown you too?"

Connor was just going to let it go, he didn't really care that much. He'd heard worse.

Evan, not so much.

"Hey, I'm fine with you insulting me. Mess with me, bully me, I don't, I don't care. But you say one bad thing about Connor, and it's the last thing you will ever do. Understand?" Evan asked, inching closer to Rich's face.

Rich stood up taller, trying to seem tougher. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" He snickered, looking around at the crowd of people. "This bitch couldn't hit me if he tried."

So Evan punched him square in the jaw.

He stepped back, looking at the blood on his hands as Rich clutched his bleeding nose. "The fuck!"

"Stay away from him," Evan turned around, grabbing Connors arm with his clean hand. "Bitch."

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