Connor X Evan- Secrets

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Evan was driving down the winding country roads, while Connor was staring out the window. They hadn't gone to the orchard since they were in high school, and Evan wanted to go again.

Connor peacefully sighed at the familiar sights, as he began thinking about his boyfriend. Mostly, about his favorite little secrets about Evan.

For example, how strong he is.

"Alright, Hot Topic, arm wrestle me. I'll beat you anyway!" Jared taunted.

"We'll see about that." Connor rolled up his sleeves and got ready.

Sadly, he was beaten by the insanely cool, Jared.

"Who's gonna try and beat me?" Jared flexed his 'muscles'. "Tree boy, do you want to try and salvage your boyfriends pride?" Jared gave one of his prized smirks, knowing that he would win.

"I, uh, well I-I mean if you want me to?" Evan made his way to Jared, and carefully grasped Jared's hand. Jared smirked, then hastily tried to slam Evans hand down.

Jared stopped smirking.

He tried again, but was met with the same conclusion.

Evans hand was too strong.

Evan let loose a small smile as he gracefully placed Jared's hand to the table, making Jared 'slightly' furious.

Connor couldn't help but look in awe at his boyfriend. Who knew he was that strong?

Connor smirked at an oblivious Evan, who had just started humming a song on the radio.

"I'm in love with the shape of you, we push and pull like a magnet do..."

Evan softly sung along, unaware he had a audience.

"I'm in love with your bodY" Evan turned around, screaming at the sight of his boyfriend.

"I-I um." He fiddled with his hands.

"H-how much did you hear?"

Connor chuckled, pulling Evan into a bear hug. "Enough to know how amazing of a singer you are." Connor gave Evan a peck on his forehead, causing the shorter one to blush furiously.

Connor gently placed his hand on Evans, causing the blond boy to glance at him.

"Are you okay, Connor?"

"Yeah, I'm fine darling."

"W-what were you, um, thinking about? If you don't mind me asking..."


"O-oh!" Evans face turned red. Connor smirked, happy to know he could still make Evan blush like they were kids.

Evan parked the car, and climbed out.

Connor grabbed his hand, and they both raced to the top of the hill, near the tallest tree.

Connor laid down next to Evan, pulling him closer to his chest.

"Connor, you absolutely can't tell anyone about this, okay? Please?"

Both boys were on the ground by the tall oak tree. Connor turned to face Evan.

"Who would I tell?"

"I-I don't know? Just don't, okay? Promise?"

"Duh. Now, tell me what's on your mind, tree boy."

Evan looked up at the beautiful sky.

"I want to get proposed to out here." He blushed. "I know it's stupid, and I shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that, but I can't help it." He messed with his shirt, before Connor grabbed his hands, placing them in his hands.

"It's not stupid. Tell me exactly how you want it. I won't judge you."

Evan took a deep breath. "I want it to be with only me and them. I want us to be laying, right here, like normal. I just want it peaceful, I guess? I don't know it stupid..."

"No it's not Hansen. I think it's nice. And don't worry, I'll remember that." Connor gave a wink to Evan, making the smaller one fall into a giggling fit.

Connor fiddled with the box in his pocket.

"Hey, Hansen?"

Evan hummed back in response.

"I love everything about you. You've shared so much with me, but now I want us to share something else."

Evan looked at Connor, questioning what what happening.

Before he could say anything though, Connor pulled out the box from his hoodie pocket.

"Can we share our lives?"

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