Connor X Evan- Trees

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"Alright Evan. What's special about this one?" Connor asked, pointing at a random tree. Connor honestly didn't care at all, but if asking questions about trees made Evan happy, he was all up for it.

Evans eyes lit up. "Oh! That one's a Pinus ponderosa, otherwise known as a Ponderosa Pine! It's um personally one of my favorites. Did you know that in South Dakota, Lewis and Clark first saw these the cones of the Ponderosa pine floating down the Mississippi River bank?" Evan asked, fidgeting with his park ranger badge. He was technically on duty, but no one came to the park at this time, so he had invited his boyfriend to come along for a little while.

"Can't say I knew that." Connor replied, looking up at the tree."

Evan stopped walking and stared at his boyfriend. "Y-you know um you don't have to do this Connor. I'd totally be fine with you not asking questions or not even being here or anything because I totally understand that trees are boring and I get told that everyday so I'm sorry but you really don't have to-"

"Stop rambling Evan."


Connor ran his fingers through his hair. "No Evan, don't be sorry. And hey," he said, reaching his hand towards Evan, cupping his face. "I want to be here with you. And I do like it when you talk about trees. It's cute." Evans face grew crimson red.

"B-but t-trees are boring! Jared told me so."

"And do you believe Jared over your boyfriend, Evan? Do you believe the guy who eats bath-bombs over the guy who loves you?"

Evan fidgeted with his shirt. "W-well no of course not I-It's just that-"

"Nope, no buts Hansen. Now I demand you to tell me more about these awesome trees."

Evans face lit up like Christmas lights as he cleared his throat. "Well um this one over here is a..."

Connor just smiled as the small boy rambled on, allowing himself to be dragged by Evan to see all of the amazing trees.

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