Tree Bros- Baked

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Evan set up his tri-pod, making sure it could see everything he'd be doing on the counter. He turned it on, stepping back into frame.

"Hi guys!" Evan gave a small wave to the camera. "So, uh, if you follow me or my step-brother on twitter, then you probably know what this video is for. But, uh, if you don't, it's because Jeremy tagged me to do this challenge..."

"A stupid one, in my opinion." Connor mumbled off camera.

Evan smiled, pulling his boyfriend into frame. "It's the boyfriend baking challenge!"

Connor groaned, and Evan smiled, hitting his arm lightly. "Oh shut up. You'll, you'll like this!"

Evan turned back to the camera. "Rich, if you're watching this, I'm tagging you."

Evan began to get the supplies, asking Connor to get a few things. They placed everything on the counter.

"So... uh, I'm not going to actually do anything, right? Cuz everything I touch gets screwed." Evan was about to start something, but then he realized that Connors hand was on his arm.

"Connor!" Evan face turned bright red. "We're filming!"

Connor shrugged, taking his hand back.  "It's cute to see you flustered."

Evan rolled his eyes, trying to calm his now pink face. "Anyway guys, I put the instructions in the link below, so uh, yeah."

"Wait, we're using a cake box?" Connor asked, picking it up. "I thought you were like, really good at baking?"

"I-I am. I just, uh, Jeremy wants me to see if they actually screwed it up that badly, or if it's the cake..." Evan trailed off, a wide smile on his face. "But we all know that it was just them. I, I even bet money on it."

Connor chuckled slightly, setting the oven and helping however he can, but he mostly just watched Evan. He was so focused and relaxed, and it always made Connor happy to see him like this. Especially in front of a camera, for a YouTube video. It always surprised Connor that his boyfriend was actually kinda... famous.

"Okay Connor. Wanna pour the batter into the tray?" Connor nodded, giving Evan a small peck on his lips.

"Alright guys. Ready for the finished product?" Evan paused, and turned to Connor. "Before that, uh, thank you for helping, Connor."

"Don't mention it. I really didn't do much." He shrugged, getting the cake and placing it directly in front of them.

It was beautifully decorated with blue and black flowers, with a white basket design on the sides. Evan was apparently also really good at decorating.

"Now, for the real challenge. Eating it. You ready Connor?" Evan asked, handing him a plates and a knife.

"Wow, I don't know if I can do this part. It's just, so difficult, you know?" Connor said, grabbing a huge slice for himself. Evan chuckled, grabbing himself a slice too.

"Ready? Three, two, one." Evan and Connor took a bite, and almost melted from the delicious, gooey taste.

"Oh my god." Connor mumbled.

"Jeremy!" Evan called out into the house. "It was your fault."

Jeremy slid into the kitchen, Michael following close behind. "No way, I refuse to believe it."

"Believe it." Evan handed them each a piece, smiling smugly.

Jeremy and Michael took a bite, and had the same reaction as the other too. Making eye contact with each other, they both said the same thing.

"Damn it!"

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