Tree Bros- Being a vampire sucks

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Because October-fest isn't complete without some vampires

Connor smiled, giving Evan a light kiss on his neck. He smirked into it as he felt Evan melt in his arms. Evan let out a soft moan, leaning more into Connors lips, craving him.

Connor moved down Evans neck, down to his collarbone. Connor lightly began to bite-

"Boys! I made dinner!" Evans mom called from downstairs. "Evan, sweetheart, it's your favorite!"

The boys jumped up at her voice, giggling slightly at their reactions. Connor stood up and grabbed Evans hand, leading them to the table he was all too familiar with.

Heidi smiled as the boys came down stairs, hand in hand.

She was so happy to have someone as protective and loving as Connor was. God knows what Evan can accidentally get himself into.

"Alright boys, today was a good day at the hospital, so..." She trailed off, smiling wide at her excitement. "I managed to snag us some -O!"

Evans eyes lit up. "Wait, really?" He sprinted to the table, with Connor laughing slightly at his excitement.

"M-mom! This is so, just, wow!"

"And I managed to get some steak for us!" Heidi pointed to two raw pieces of meat, oozing with fresh blood.

"Mom you, you are actually the best." Evan sat down excitedly, almost beginning to eat before he stopped himself. "O-oh, r-right, uh, mom? What about Connor?"

"I can cook you up some steak, if you want, sweetheart?" Connor weakly smiled, not wanting to protest at her kindness, but having to. "A-actually, Ms.Hansen, I'm a vegetarian..."

"Oh shit, that started last week, didn't it?" Connor weakly nodded his head. "Yeah, but it's not a big deal. I can like, you know, not eat. Or just like, wait until I'm home."

"Absolutely not!" Heidi had already gone to her pantry, getting out the supplies she needed. "Is a peanut butter sandwich okay, sweetheart? I'm sorry, I just, totally forgot and-"

"-Ms.Hansen, really it's okay, I don't care-" "-Well I do!" Heidi cut Connor off with a tight, motherly hug. Stepping back, she looked into Connors eyes.

"Now, peanut butter?"

Connor tried to hide the smile on his face, but failed. "Yeah. That sounds... awesome."

Evan smiled wide as Connor sat down next to him. Evan gave him a quick peck on the cheek, making sure not to hurt him with his baby fangs.

Heidi came out a moment later, holding Connors beautifully made sandwich. She placed it in front of Connor, before dismissing herself to go work in her office.

As much as she would love to eat with them, she had to finish her work project.

Connor dug into his meal, thanking Heidi. Evan didn't move, and instead looked down at his plate.

"Evan, you can, you know. Like, eat." Connor finally said after taking a few bites. Evan looked up from his plate.

"N-no, yeah, I know, it's just. I uh, feel bad? For, uh, you know..." Evan meekly looked down at his steak.

"Evan, it's fine." Connor placed a soft hand on Evans. "You literally have to eat that stuff so you won't die." Connor motioned to his plate. "I choose this. It's not your fault, and you shouldn't  like, feel bad about it, sweetheart."

Evans face flushed. Reluctantly, he grabbed the fork, taking a bite without looking at Connor.

Evan tried hard to not seem too desperate for the meat ad blood, but he ended up letting out a sigh of relief. He'd been living off of coconut milk as a supplement for a while, so it was nice to finally have red meat.

Evans eyes were shut tight in pure joy, but they snapped open when he heard Connor chuckle. "W-what?" Evans face flushed again.

"You've uh, you've got something..." Connor trailed off.

"I-I do?" Evan grabbed a mirror to look at his reflection, but realized he couldn't see anything.

"Here, let me just..." Connor leaned closer to Evan, wiping the blood away. If Evan was blushing before, he was about to faint from over heating now.

"B-b-bet-better?" Connor smiled at Evans stutter.

"Much better, my little Drac."

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