Tree Bros- Fairy Tale Au pt2

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Evan hummed a bit as he made his dinner. He moved all of the kitchen staff to their room months ago because he was creeped out by then just... standing there.

He later out everything nearly ok a plate, grabbing a candle he'd made in his free time.

Making sure he had everything ready, he grabbed the meal and the dessert, setting them on the dinning room table.

He straightened out his suit that he only wore for special occasions. This seemed special enough.

He sighed before putting on a small smile. "Happy birthday, me." He blew out his candle, making the obvious wish. He lifted his fork and was about to start eating when he heard the front door slam open, causing his flowers to grow rapidly around him.

He steadied his breathing before gripping the knife tightly and walking towards it.

He was expecting it to be the wind, but was thrilled when it was someone standing at the door. Evan was thrilled to have someone, but that didn't mean he wasn't scared out of his wits.

"H-h-hello?" He cursed at himself for the stutter he'd been trying to work on. "W-who's um, who's there?"

The figure looked up, but Evan couldn't see their face. They were wearing a black, long hood, covering up their whole body.

Mustering up what little confidence he had, he added, "I am p-prince Evan Hansen. Y-y-you shall answer me!" His voice squeaked at the end, and the hooded figure let out a deep chuckle. 

"You're not scary when you stutter, you know that, right?"

"Y-you didn't um, answer my question, so..."

"Connor. My names in Connor. You know the Murphy kingdom a few towns over?"

"Connor? Connor! We um, played together when we were younger?" Evan dropped his knife and walked over to him.

"Why are you out here?" Evan went to remove Connor's hood, but Connor just backed up more.

"Look man, I just needed a place to sleep, then I'll be on my way." "O-oh. Okay... um... d-do you need something? F-food? Fire?"

"Nah, I'm good." Connor looked towards the empty fire place. "But a fire would be good. Where the hell are your servants?"

"D-do you not know about my curse? The sleeping one?"

Connor shook his head. "Nope, never heard of it. But good job not stuttering." He looked around. "So... everyone's asleep? What makes you so special?"

Evan looked down as the flowers wrapped around his feet. The flowers started blooming again and Evan tried to hid it. "I uh I well um-"

"What the hell?" Connor motioned towards the flowers. "Do you have like, flower power or something?"

"Y-yeah? I mean, I guess?"

Connor let out another chuckle. "So I'm guessing that's why you wear that ridiculous crown?"

Evan blushed. "It's not... it's not ridiculous!"

"Whatever, Princey."

Evan ran towards the fire and got it started for Connor.

"S-so uh, why'd you come here? If you don't mind me asking, it's just um..."

"It's fine. My parents kicked me out because I was 'too ugly for them'."

Evan lit the fire and turned towards Connor. "I don't usually curse, but what the hell?"

Connor didn't say anything. Instead, he just lifted his hoodie over his face, revealing the burns and scars on his face.

"My sister was messing around and burned me, but some how it's still my fault. Dad didn't want to see my face anymore, so he kicked me out. But it's whatever, I'll figure it out." He moved his face so Evan couldn't see it. "Now you get it. So I'll just warm myself up and go."

Evan walked closer to Connor, pulling his face towards him.

"I think you're beautiful."

Connor chucked to cover up his blush. "Careful Hansen, your confidence is showing."

Evan gave a smug grin. "Whoops." He smashed his lips onto Connor's. He was about to pull away and profusely apologize, but Connor leaned into the kiss. His lips were soft, and delicate, but they showed passion and meaning beating the kiss.

Connor eventually pulled away.


"Why what? Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to it's just you looked really pretty and you didn't think so so I had to-"

"Evan. Why me?"

"Oh. I um, I like your personality and you're face isn't bad either and I just-"

He was cut off by a loud stomping and the shouting.  "GAY!"

Jared was seen standing at the top of the stairs with Evans mom.

"Wow! I'm asleep long?"

"A year?" Evan said, holding Connor's hand.

"A year, and already you've turned gay." He wiped an imaginary tear away. "They grow up so fast, don't they your majesty?"

"So fast indeed." She agreed, walking towards the couple.

"H-h-hi mom." The flowers around him swelled up, and pulled Connor closer to him.

She smiled and hugged him, Turing to Connor before hugging him. Connor was surprised, but melted into the hug.

She whispered in his ear, loud enough for only him to hear. "My son is so lucky to have you. And, thank you for waking our kingdom." She pulled back and smiled at them both before Jared spoke again.

"Okay, family reunions are nice and all, but I haven't eaten in a year and I think I'm dying."

Evan chuckled before leading everyone to the kitchen, where the staff was already preparing a big feast.

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