Tree Bros- Forrest

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Suggestion by @_Blipps_ !
Also, I've literally been trying to write the Little Shop of Horrors AU and WOW it's it's bad. I'm sorry 😅 I might not post it after all, I'm sorry guys!

"Connor, truth or dare?" Zoe asked.

"Duh, dare." Connor rolled his eyes at Zoe. Evan stared cautiously at his crush, scared for what Connor might have to do.

"Uh..." Zoe paused. "Group huddle!" She turned towards Jared and Alana, and they all huddled in a mini circle, talking quietly.

"C-c-Connor, uh, doesn't that worry you? E-Even a little bit?" Evan asked, looking up at Connor's eyes to see them staring blankly ahead. "Nope." He turned towards Evan. "Come on, there's nothing to worry about. It's Zoe for crying out loud!" Evan blushed and looked away, nodding his head.

"We have made our decision." The group turned back to face the two boys.

Connor scoffed. "Oh great and powerful one, what's my punishment?" He smirked.

"You have to go into the Forrest behind our house for two hours! But-" Zoe exclaimed.

Alana interrupted her girlfriend by saying, "But it can't just be like, at the edge of the Forrest. You have to go deep. And Jared I will hurt you if you say a 'that's what she said' joke."

Jared quickly closed his mouth and threw his hands up in surrender.

"Two hours? You've got to be kidding me! I can't-"

"EVAN! Truth or dare?" Jared asked.

"Wh-but it's my turn to ask-" Connor tried again but was interrupted for the second time.

"Uh, truth I guess?" Evan answered meekly.

"DARE! WOW, TWO IN A ROW! Isn't that wild, girls?" The girls nodded their heads in fake surprise.

"Okay, Evan. Your dare is to go out to the woods with Connor for two hours. Have fun!" Jared winked.

Jared and the girls knew all about Evans little (huge) crush on Connor, but what Evan didn't know was Connor's huge crush on him. He just assumed they were trying to humiliate him.

"Alright lovebirds! Here's your flashlight, and have fun! Use protection!" Evans face was on fire at Jared's comments and he quickly ran off into the woods with Connor.

"Jared's an asshole." Connor broke the silence a little while later.

"W-what do you mean?"

"He did this! Two hours, alone. In a Forrest. Wait a minute, do we even have a watch?" Evan shook his head slightly, looking at the ground.

After a few moments of silence, Evan quietly said, "Is it because of me? Y-you can probably go back you know. You don't uh, have to stay here with me? I mean, I'm assuming you don't want to but-"

"Evan. You're not the problem." Connor turned towards Evan, placing his hands on Evans shoulders. "You're the opposite of the problem. It's just that..." he stopped talking and turned back around to start walking again.

"W-wait!" Evan tried to calm his blushing face as he raced back up to Connor. "Um, w-what's... wrong? You don't have to tell me of course, I just, it's just that I want to help you? I don't want you to um, be upset? And I really-"

"Evan. You're not the problem." Connor stated again, pausing in his walking. "It's just that... ugh. I told Jared I maybe liked you or whatever, and now he's been forcing you with me. I'm sorry about that."

Evan felt like he had just won every single lottery ever. "Y-y-you like me?"

"Great! Now I've just made things uncomfortable. Way to go, Connor." Connor mumbled to himself.

"No! No? No, that's um. That's great! That's good? I'm uh. H-happy? Yeah."
Evan fumbled with his cast and he tried to continue. "I uh, really really like you too? And um, I thought that you wouldn't like me so, I just. Um. Kept it to myself? But now you say that you like me and I'm just like, I mean I guess I'm-"

"Evan? Can I uh... can I kiss you?"

Evans heart stopped for a few seconds.

"Yes! Yes? I mean-" he was cut off by Connor's soft lips pressed against his. Evan was shell shocked for a second before he leaned in further into the kiss. Both boys were smiling idiots when they finally pulled away, their lips red and swollen. Connor grabbed Evans hand, and together they started walking towards the house.

"Um, so... Evan... I uh, don't want to scared you or anything but..."

"B-but?" Evan asked, concerned.

"Uh... as you know, we've been walking for a while..."


"Uh... I'm just gonna go out and say it. I have literally no idea where we are right now."

Jared groggily woke up the next morning, laying on the floor of Connor's room. He looked around the room, and once he didn't see the two boys, he shook the girls awake.

"Hey, did Connor and Evan ever get back here last night?"

The girls looked at each other before springing out of bed and into the backyard.

"CONNOR!" "EVAN!" Alana and Zoe screamed.

"Wait guys, I've got this. EVAN HANSEN IS A WEAK LITTLE TWIRP!"

Alana glared at Jared. "What? I saw it in a meme once.I though that, I don't know, maybe-"

"What'd you say about Evan?" Connor stepped out of the forrest, holding Evans hand. Both boys were covered in leaves and looked tired and miserable, although you'd have to be blind not to see their red lips and lustful eyes.

"See? Memes don't lie! Oh, and did you guys use protection?"

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