Tree Bros- Harry Potter AU

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Part 4 of the Spider-Man AU will be posted tomorrow, and that's where I'll end it! (?) I won't make it into a separate book because I'm not great at writing full length stories, sorry loves. Anyway, here's the Harry Potter AU, and I'm sorry if I put them in houses you don't agree with. I just really like Hufflepuffs X Slytherins!

Connor groaned when he saw that all of the slytherin seats were full. Sighing, he lugged all of his seats to the hufflepuff side, knowing no one would say he couldn't sit with them. I

He finally found a compartment with only one person in it. Opening it roughly, his bad boy persona quickly faded away once he saw the anxious blond boy sitting alone, with a terrified look on his face.

Connor cleared his throat. "Can I sit here? My area's full."

"Oh! O-Of course. I mean, if you want to. Why wouldn't you want you, you literally asked to sit here, sorry that was stupid. Um, I'm Evan, uh Evan Hansen?"

"Was that a question, or a statement?" Connor sassed back.


Connor chuckled. "I'm Connor Murphy." He sat down in front of Evan.

"E-Evan Hansen."

"I know, you literally just told me."

"S-s-sorry." Evans face grew redder as the conversation went on.

"You apologize a lot."

"S-sorry. I MEAN-"

Connor chuckled and cut him off. "It's fine. It's kinda cute."

"T-thanks?" Evan's face somehow grew even redder.

"Dude, are you okay? Your face is bright red."

"I'm fine!" Evans voice crack said otherwise, but Connor let him be.

They sat in an awkward silence for Evan, but a nice, relaxed silence for Connor.

"W-what year are you? Y-you don't have to answer." Evan tried to break the silence by asking the cute boy I front of him questions.

"Six. You?"


"Okay, my turn. What's your favorite class?"

"Herbology! I-I really like plants. A lot... um, you?"

"Potions. Snape's pretty cool. He just ignores me and picks on Gryffindors. It's pretty funny actually."

As the conversations dragged on, and they neared their stop, both boys were falling head over heels for someone in a different house.

"-and that's probably why we hate Gryffindor."

"T-that actually makes a lot of sense!"

"Alright, my turn. Crushes?"

"N-no I don't crush people? OH oh oh y-you meant like people who I like? Duh of course you did. Um, I do like this one..." he paused for a minute, weighing his options. "Guy...?"

"Same here. But he's not in my house, so it might be a little weird. Can you give me some advice on like, how to talk to him?"

Evans face fell, but he quickly put on a fake smile for Connor.

"O-oh, r-right. Um, well, I-it depends on their personality? I guess? I-I'm not the best person to ask these things to... but um? J-just maybe be straightforward with them a-and tell them you like them?"

"Seems easy enough." Connor leaned back in the chair. "I like you a lot. Wanna go on a date or something?"

"Perfect! N-now try it on the person you like!"

"I just did." Connor smiled, waiting for the realization to kick in.

"Oh?... OH! Me? Wait, ME?"

"Yes, Hansen. You." The train was nearing their destination, meaning the boys would have to separate soon.

"So, date? I'll pick you up at 6 tonight and we can just walk around the castle. I know some secrets."

"Y-yes! Yes? I would like that a lot please."

Connor grabbed his stuff, and headed out as the train stopped.

"Wait! Wait, um, can I...? Kiss you...? If that's okay with you, I want it to be okay with you of course!"

Connor leaned down and softly pecked Evans lips to stop his rant.

"I'll see you tonight, sweetheart."

Okay SO! I've been tagged by @Fallen_Angel116

1) I don't like my real name. I feel like it doesn't suit me as well as Rose does, but I'm totally fine with Mak too.

2)I have sensory processing disorder, and severe anxiety; yet I'm super social and love to talk to new people.

3) I joined theatre to help me with my anxiety and it's helping so much!

4)I'm a helpless romantic. Like, it's sad how easily I fall in love and want to date and stuff...

5) I love the color red. I tell everyone my favorite color is blue, but it's actually red!

6) I'm bi-romantic with a lean towards guys.

7) I just recently got into musicals, mostly because my theatre friends were ranting about Heathers and I wanted to rant too.

8) I get really REALLY obsessed with shows. Like, at one point time, I couldn't think about anything besides Ninja Turtles. Its kinda sad.

9)I love to sing because it calms me down, my favorite ones to sing are Michael In The Bathroom, On My Own and Somewhere That's Green.

10) My favorite show is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I've seen at least one episode from every generation, I've watched the documentary twice, and I'm up to date with the 2012 series.

11) I have a sad amount of crushes on fictional characters, some including Mikey from TMNT, Simon from AATC, and Jared from DEH.

12) I've recreated Michael's hoodie just because I love him so much

13) I'm super Ace, but my favorite songs from musicals are the wildly inappropriate ones.

I'm only tagging Rarity37  since she's my closest friend and I feel awkward tagging people I'm not close with 😅

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