Tree Bros- Judgement Day

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Warning: This one shot talks about suicide, so TW

Evan opened his eyes. Shocked, he looked around.  It was a white, fancy room, and he was sitting in a cold, marble chair.

This wasn't what he last remembered.

The last thing he remembered was the tree... and...falling.

So why was he here?

He heard footsteps rushing towards him, and he sat up further in his seat.

A handsome boy, looking about his age, stopped at the door step, and glared at him. There was a few moments of silence, and Evan began to nervously fidget.

"You're early." The boy finally said. "Why are you early?"

"I-I'm, I'm early?" Evan asked. "Early, early for what?"

The boy rolled his eyes.  "For death. You shouldn't be dead." The boy glanced at a paper in his hands. "You should live for a while longer, so why are you dead?"

"I..." Evan stopped, now ashamed of his actions. So he lied. "I was uh, I was climbing a tree, 'cuz I work at this..." he trailed off, cutting to the point when he sat the boy's glare. "I uh, I was climbing the tree, and I, I fell, so."

"Did you fall?" The boy asked. "Or did you let go?"

"I." Evan tried to speak, but he felt no words come out. He looked away, ashamed.

The boy sighed, leaving the room. He locked the door behind him, leaving Evan alone to re-think his decisions.

"-but dad. He should be alive! Why is he dead?" He asked, loudly. "We normally know if someone's gonna die, even suicide! So what makes him special? Why him?" Connor paced around the room, worried about the cute boy in the other room.

Larry sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I don't know Connor. Unless..."

He trailed off, glancing at the huge handbook trapped in the glass case. Connor got up, and typed in the code. The glass slid open, and Connor grabbed the book, handing it to his dad.

"Alright. I have an idea of how we are supposed to handle this, but I don't want to jump to conclusions..."

Flipping a few more pages, Larry's finger ran over the words before stopping suddenly. "Oh." He mumbled.

"What? What are we supposed to do?"

"Well, Connor. You have a new job."

Connor glanced up at his dad confused, but is dad didn't look at him in the eye.

"We have to turn back the time, just for a few minutes, and you have to go with Evan. You have to be his guardian angel." Connor sat down.

"You are going to protect him from the fall, you're going to protect him at school, and be his friend, Connor. We will implant memory's of you in his head, so it would be completely terrifying to see you."

Larry finally looked at his son. "Can you handle that?"

Connor stood up, and nodded. "I'm ready."

Evan glanced down down below him. His hands slowly started to let go of the tree branch, and closed his eyes.

He let go completely, falling. He instantly regret it.

But instead of death, he only felt pain in his arm.

"Holy fuck, are you good?" Evan glanced up at the tall, lanky boy.

"Come on, let's get you to a hospital." Connor gently picked Evan up, and Evan walked with him in shock.

Step one, complete. Connor thought. Only a few more to go, then it'll be up to him to deal with life.

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