Tree Bros- Popular! Evan pt2

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Starting tomorrow, I'll be posting chapters to my new story, Pork!
Yes I know I've already written it, but this one is the longer version, with more details and a few changes. Thank you!

Evan waited for Connor behind the school, leaning against the cool bricks.

Just when he was about to leave, Connor pulled up in his beat up pickup truck.

"Sorry I'm late." Connor provided no further explanation, and Evan didn't ask for one. He just opened the passenger side and hopped in.

"W-where to?" Evan asked, buckling his seatbelt and placing his bag on the floor.

"Well, I mean, it's kinda cheesy."

"I-I love cheesy..." Evan trailed off, looking expectingly at Connor.

"The mall? And just kinda, hang out and stuff? They do that in the movies... so I just thought popular people liked it or whatever."

"That sounds, uh, really great! I mean, good. It sounds cool."

"You're weird." Evan looked at his shoes.

"S-sorry. I'm trying to-"

"No no, I like it. It's nice." Evan smiled to himself. Connor isn't nearly as bad as Chloe made him seem.

"So? Where to first?" Connor asked, grabbing Evans hand.

"I-I-I um, I." Evan tried to say something, but was too fluster too.

"Oh, sorry." Connor tried to take his hand away, but Evan held on.

"No! No, I-I like this. Um, why don't we go to the food court? If that's, uh, if that's cool?"

"Fine by me." Connor and Evan walked hand and hand to the food court, making small talk.

"Would you look at that, Jakey D!Evaths, got a new friend!" Riches lisp could be heard from across the food court.

"O-oh, hey Rich! Hey Jake!"

Jake gave a little nod to them both.

"Donth juth 'hey Rich' me!"

"S-sorry, I'm uh, a bit... busy?" Evan asked, looking up at Connor.

"Oh, donth mind uth!"

"Yeah. Have fun on your little date, Hansen." Evans face grew red as he dragged Connor away from Jake and Rich.

"I-I'm sorry about them. They're just, my friends just like to, um, tease? And, I'm not like, totally sure if you're okay with that and stuff, so um."

"Evan. It's fine." Connor gave Evans hand a reassuring squeeze. "Now, don't you have like, social anxiety or something?"

"T-technically, yes? B-but I'm still, I mean, I've gotten better? Um, w-why?"

"Well, I was going to order whatever you wanted for you, but if you want to..." Connor trailed off.

"Y-you would... you would order for me?" Connor shrugged. "Yeah? It's not that big of a deal."

Evan gave Connor a small, hidden smile, trying to contain his joy for the taller boys kindness. "I-I'd like that, please."

Being careful not to spill the milkshake in his hand, Evan guided Connor to the final destination of the night.

The old apple acres.

"This place? This is where you want to go?"

"I-I mean, we don't have to. I'm fine with not going. Let's just not go."

"No, I want to go. I was just making sure this was right."

When Evan didn't respond, Connor took his hand gently. "Hey, I do want to go. I want to see things that you like."

Evan smiled and nodded his head, He unbuckled his seatbelt, and stepped out of the car.

He pointed towards a tall tree. "This one, I um, I like this one. Can we just?"
Evan plopped down in front of the tree, holding his milkshake steady.

Connor shrugged, but sat down next to the small boy. "Look! The um, the stars? You can see them better out here..." Evan trailed off as they admired the beautiful dots that sprinkled the sky.

Connor looked back at Evan, and let out a small genuine smile. Evan looked at peace, and so happy. Connor wished he could frame this moment of pure relaxation, but instead he just enjoyed it in the moment.

"W-what's wrong? Do I have something on my, on my face? Or like?" Evan tried to clean his face quickly, his face flushing.

"No, nothing. You're just... just..." Connor sighed. "Do you mind if I kiss you?"

"K-kiss, kiss me?"

"Never mind, it was stupid-"

"-no, no! It's just, I um!" Evan quickly pressed his lips onto Connors, putting his milkshake to the side so he could run his hands through Connors hair.

Connor eventually pulled back, chuckling slightly.

"W-what? Why are you laughing?"

"You know, you would think, being a popular kid and all, you would be a better kisser."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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