Tree Bros- Prom...ish

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Dear Evan Hansen,

Tonight is going to be a good night, and here's why, because tonight, you're going to prom with your boyfriend, which is super awesome!Just don't think about how crowded it's gonna be. Or how many people will stare at you. Or judge you. Or-

Evan stopped writing. This was just stressing him out more. He crumbled up the piece of paper, and threw it in the trash can before checking the time.

Good. He still had an hour to get ready before Connor would be here.

He looked at the outfit the they had picked out, and he couldn't help but smile at it.

The beautiful black suit and pants, along with a deep, dark blue, because Connor said that Evan looks beautiful in blue. Connor had insisted that they match, and that he pay for the suits. In return, he just wanted Evan to get the flowers.

Evan made sure not to get Daisy's, and settled for blue orchids instead. (They meant beauty.)

Looking at himself in the mirror, he had to say that he looked... good. He actually looked good.

"Awe! My baby boy's growing up so fast!" Heidi snapped a picture on her camera.

"Mom!" Heidi chuckled.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you when your boyfriend comes over." She snapped another picture before the door bell rang.

Evan looked at his mom with a mixture of fear and excitement. Heidi pulled him close to her chest. "You'll be okay. If you need to, just come here and watch movies or something, okay? I'm sure Connor won't be mad, honey. He's a nice boy."

"Thanks mom."

She fixed his hair before pushing him towards the front door. "Now don't leave him waiting!"

Evan raced towards the door, slamming it open to reveal a smirking Connor. "That excited to see me?" He asked. He was dressed in the same suit and tie as Evan, but he pulled it off so much better.

Evan blushed before dragging being dragged outside.

"Wait! Boys!" Heidi called out after them. Evan inwardly cringed, preparing for the embarrassment.

"You boys forgot your corsages!"

"O-oh, thanks mom!" He grabbed them from her before running back to Connor's car.

She sighed under her breath, happy he's finally found someone to talk to.


That's all Evan could say as the walked into the hotels ballroom. It was... dark. And crowded. Oh no.

Connor could feel Evan tensing up. He gave Evans hand a little squeeze before pulling him off to the side.

"Are you okay?" Evan nodded, but looked anywhere except for Connor.

"Hey, sweetheart, we can leave whenever you want to, okay? It's totally fine, I swear." Evan nodded again, looking at his feet.


Evan looked around the ballroom. Too many people. To much noise. To dark. Why was it so small? How could it be this loud? Why were there so many people? He could feel his chest  constrict his heart. His vision was kinda blurring out too, but he had to tell Connor he was fine. He had to tell Connor he was fine, he-

"Okay, that's it. I like you too much to see you suffering like this." Connor wrapped his arm around Evans waist, holding him up more. "Come on, we're going home."

Evan wanted to put up a fight, but he was so thankful to leave.

Connor guided Evan back to his car, before closing the door and getting in his side. He put on their seat-belts, because Evans hands were shaking too much to do it on his own. Evan let out a soft 'thank you'.

"Where do you want to go? Home?" Evan nodded.

"So, what movie do you want to watch? You like Disney movies, right?" Connor pulled out about five different movies from Evans shelf. "Pick one."

Evan picked out Pocahontas. He liked seeing the pretty landscape in it.

"Um, Connor?"

Connor hummed back in response as he put the movie on.

He started messing with his tie. "I um. I'm sorry. I just, I ruined your prom, and I'm sorry. I just, it was to-"

"You did not ruin anything, okay? Don't worry. I kinda didn't want to be there anyway. I wouldn't haven gone if you didn't ask me to prom. Besides, this is a lot better." He straightened out his suit before holding out his hand towards Evan.

"Do you want to dance before the movie starts?"

Evan's face turned bright red, but he slowly stood up and put his hands around Connor's neck.

Evan placed his head on Connor's chest as Connor placed his hands on Evans hips.

Together, they swayed to music only they could hear, just thankful to be in each other's presence.

Unseen by the boys, Heidi snapped a few photos on her camera. Her heart swelled up with pride as her son leaned in to kiss his boyfriend on the lips, without hesitation or fear of rejection. He's come so far, and she was so proud.

She quietly sneaked back upstairs to let the love birds have some well deserved peace.

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