Tree Bros- Roller Skater Au pt3

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Warning: dude I know like nothing about roller derby but I tried so
Oh yeah, and someone gets hurt.

Evan waited anxiously, adjusting and re-adjusting his knees pads.

"Dude, you've been at that for like, five minutes. What's your deal?"

"Yeah man," Michael walked up to his boyfriend, putting an arm around his shoulder. "You're like, never this worried before a meet."

"I'm just... it's just!" Evan hung his head in his hands.

"Are you worried about your boyfriend?" Michael asked, getting on the bench next to Evan. "Don't worry man, he loves you. I can tell."

"Yeah!" Jeremy sat on the other side of Evan. "And is not like he's gonna, you know, dump you just 'cause you fall!"


Realizing what he just said, Jeremy hunched over slightly. "Sorry Evan."

"It's, it's fine. This is fine."

"Alright boys! Come on, the others are waiting for you." Their coach called out to them.

Michael stood up first, holding his hands out to Evan and Jeremy. "You guys ready to open a can of whoop ass?"

Jeremy rolled his eyes, taking Michael's hand. "Why are we dating again?"

Evan snickered and stood up, following behind the boys.

This is going to be great. Just perfect. Just, don't... fall. Or trip. Or come in last place. Definitely don't come in last place.

Oh god, please don't let me come in last place.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and all others, thank you for coming! Concession are on the left..."

Evan tuned out the voice, and just focused on trying to calm his nerves.

Breath in, out. In, out.

The next thing Evan knew, he was on the track with his team.

"Alright Jammer, you ready?" Michael asked quietly. Evan slightly nodded his head as he studied the other team.

He got in his position.

He could practically feel the countdown in his head, and his worries were no long on what his boyfriend would think of him.

And with the final bell, they were off.

Evan raced passed the other teams Jammer, happily coming in the lead. He was so close to making it around the first lap, and so happy, that he didn't notice one the other teams blockers coming up to him.

And he definitely didn't notice his body getting slammed until it was too late.

"-so like, I guess you could say he got in a real jam!"

Evan made a groan of disappointment at the joke, but couldn't hide the small smile on his face.

"Babe, I feel like that's a tiny bit insensitive. I mean, Evan did just like, you know, break his arm.

"No, it's fine, look, he's smiling!"

"Y-yeah, c-c-come on Jeremy, you would've made the same, the same joke."

Connor rolled his eyes. "Anyway, back to that game. That was..."

"Awesome? Radical? Totally tubular? Hella gnarly?"

"Michael, stop." Jeremy covered Michael's mouth with his hand, silencing his boyfriend.

"I was going to say terrifying, but sure, let's go with that." Connor squeezed Evans non-broken hand.

"T-That's never, I've never, um, fallen? Like, before today." Evans face turned slightly pink as he tried to defend himself.

"Maybe you're just like, Evans bad luck charm!" Now it was Michael's turn to cover Jeremy's mouth. Pushing away Jeremy's hand, he said, "And this is why we don't have friends, Heere."

"N-no! You're not a, a bad luck charm, I just, I just fell, so." Evan squeezed Connors hand. "But um, thank you for coming." He held up his broken arm.

"A-and thank you guys for signing m-my cast. B-but, Connor, w-why'd you sigh it so big?"

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